Legacy is a format that means very different things for different players.
Newer players are often spellbound by the interplay between powerful spells, intricate lines of play, and games that can take anywhere from thirty turns to a single one.
Older players love Legacy for its ability to showcase gems from across Magic’s two decades of sets and for its seemingly infinite capacity to make what was old new again.
Established players have called it the best format left in Magic, and they’re not wrong. Nowhere else in Magic can you see such tremendous diversity. This week’s set of articles is about exactly that.
You read correctly; I’ll be here every day this week writing about the plethora of ways to build and play a Legacy deck. Cedric shares my love for the format so much that he asked me to write something about every single deck that I would consider playing at the Grand Prix.
I one-upped him; I’ll be showing every deck in action so people who are still on the fence about what to play this weekend can make an informed decision without dropping a couple thousand dollars.
Every day this week I will write about the best decks in the format and how I would build each one if I were to play it in DC. I’ll have a couple of videos featuring each deck I write about, and I’ll discuss every deck’s respective strengths and weaknesses.
Today I’ll discuss the three major combo decks of the format and their respective strengths and weaknesses.
Tomorrow I’ll talk about the three Delver of Secrets / Volcanic Island tempo decks and how each of them tries to win games.
On Wednesday I’ll write about the three best midrange decks of the format and the upside to playing fair this weekend.
On Thursday I’ll write about the challenges of building a good aggressive creature deck in Legacy, which ones are still good, and which ones have gotten worse in the last year.
On Friday I’ll write about the deck that I’m going to play in DC. I’ll tell you how I came to my decision, I’ll walk you through every card choice, and I’ll tell you how I plan on sideboarding.
Let’s get started with the best combo deck of the format. This deck has relatively little in the way of long-term pedigree, but it has made waves recently by making up half of the recent Invitational Top 8. Fellow StarCityGames.com columnist William Jensen has performed well in Open after Open with it, and I expect to see a lot of talented players playing the deck on Saturday and Sunday.
The deck, of course, is Sneak and Show.
Creatures (8)
Lands (19)
Spells (33)

As decklists go, this is one of the most intuitive in the format. You have cantrips, mana sources, counterspells, and your combo elements. Your goal is simple: attack with a Griselbrand or an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. What proves challenging for most players is finding the perfect mix of support cards and learning the deck well enough to know when you must play aggressively and when you can pursue a safer more conservative path to victory.
The elements of the deck can be broken down as follows:
4 Show and Tell, 4 Sneak Attack, 4 Griselbrand, 4 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn: These are your combo. You have eight cards that put your eight creatures into play. Sneak Attack can also enter play via Show and Tell, both saving you a mana and not exposing your namesake enchantment to a counterspell.
I would not recommend cutting any Sneak Attacks or creatures in any matchup. I could envision a world in which you would want to sideboard out some number of Show and Tells—for instance, the Show and Tell mirror, where it is a huge risk to cast Show and Tell without the ability to win on the same turn. This risk comes from your opponent’s ability to simply put in an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, untap, and attack you with it, likely annihilating your entire board.
If you are planning on playing Sneak and Show this Saturday, I strongly recommend knowing your plan for the mirror inside and out.
4 Ponder, 4 Brainstorm: Your best cantrips. They help you find what you need when you need it. Never cut them.
4 Force of Will: Although you will board this out a fair amount, you should maindeck all four. Legacy is a diverse format with a lot of powerful hate cards and fast combo decks, so you need a very good reason to not play all four Force of Wills in a blue deck that wants to counter an opponent’s spells.
2 Preordain, 2 Daze: Huey was actually alone in his preference for Preordain and Daze over a set of Gitaxian Probe in Indianapolis, as all of Brad Nelson, Gerry Thompson, and Brian Braun-Duin played the full set of Phyrexian Peeks to the exclusion of the (seemingly) more powerful Preordain. So what’s going on here?
Part of it is the strength of Preordain. Gitaxian Probe merely cycles, and while it occasionally provides valuable information, you could be digging a lot deeper for your combo cards with Preordain.
Part of it is the strength of Daze. Show and Tell decks put opponents in a tough bind. “Is this the turn they’re going to go for it?” people ask themselves. “How much mana can I use to put pressure on them, and how much do I need to hold up for my own disruption?”
Daze compounds that problem. Let’s imagine a common hypothetical. RUG Delver has two lands and needs to get a clock in play; they might have to choose between Nimble Mongoose and Tarmogoyf. Tarmogoyf is going to hit harder, but Mongoose allows them to hold up Spell Pierce.
If the Delver deck has a Force of Will in hand, Tarmogoyf becomes much more appealing, as they can now present a faster clock without taking down all of their shields. So they tap for Tarmogoyf, pass, Force of Will the Show and Tell . . .
And get Dazed right out of the game.
Of course, the same thing happens with Nimble Mongoose and Spell Pierce, so it’s hard to take them to task for their decision. Daze is just a great tool, both against opposing combo decks and against mana-tight tempo decks that have to manage their scarce resources carefully on every turn.
The simplest explanation for why Huey doesn’t play Gitaxian Probe though is that he knows when you don’t have it.
I’m kidding. There are two most likely rationales:
First is that he understands every matchup well enough to know which turns are the most important, what cards he needs to play around, and how aggressive or conservative he needs to be at a given time. When you accumulate as much experience with a deck as he has with Sneak Attack, a lot of decisions become second nature, and Gitaxian Probe’s information may well become less valuable than the cost of putting it in the deck.
The second is that he understands that the deck loses to itself a frustrating amount of the time, so he wanted better cantrips in the deck so that he would play fewer games that conclude with him bricking off on important draws.
If you would rather play Gitaxian Probe, start here:
Creatures (8)
Lands (19)
Spells (33)

You lose the selection of Preordain and the extra counters that Daze gives you, but you gain the ability to hand-check your opponent and play with perfect information on important turns. You also gain a single copy of Intuition, which takes away all of the stress of cantripping, replacing it with the refreshing ease of just getting the card that you want. I prefer a counter-heavier version for the Grand Prix, but I wouldn’t fault anyone who wants to play a free Peek in their combo deck.
2 Misdirection: The Misdirections were new to Huey’s list in Los Angeles. Before we get into why you would want to put the card in your deck, let’s go through a quick refresher on how Misdirection works:
- When you cast Misdirection, you remove a blue card and target their spell. That’s it. It’s “Misdirection targeting your [whatever spell].” More information than that can be meaningful.
- When Misdirection resolves, you change the spell’s target. At the time of your choice, Misdirection is still on the stack. This is because a spell can only be in one place at a time, and since it’s not done resolving, it’s still on the stack.
- Since it’s still on the stack as it resolves, their counterspell can legally target your Misdirection. It will fizzle upon resolution, so your Misdirection effectively counters their counterspell.
- They still control the spell—Misdirection doesn’t work the same way that Commandeer or Spelljack does.
- This means that you can Misdirect their Lightning Bolt or Swords to Plowshares to their own Geist of Saint Traft.
- Nimble Mongoose still has shroud though. Stupid Nimble Mongoose.
Misdirection has very specific functions. You want Misdirection only in the following worlds:
- Your Force of Wills are so good on offense that you want six of them.
- You tap out a lot when you’re comboing, so card economy matters less and speed matters more.
- There are a lot of Thoughtseizes, Ancestral Visions, and Hymn to Tourachs running around.
In a world where people are planning on playing a lot of permanent-based hate, Misdirection gets much worse. Keep that in mind as the Grand Prix gets closer and you consider how much Death and Taxes you expect at the top tables.
3 Spell Pierce: I really like Spell Pierce in Legacy right now, and I think it is especially powerful in blue combo decks like this one. Carsten Kotter even wrote an article last week advocating Flusterstorm in the sideboard of his Storm deck, so the phenomenon isn’t limited to Sneak and Show. So why only three copies?
In Huey’s case, he likely cut a Pierce because he wanted to go up to eight counters that he could play while tapping out, which tells us that his plan for a lot of matchups is to be maximally aggressive.
If people are going to try to beat Sneak and Show with Phyrexian Revoker, cutting back on Spell Pierce makes sense. If people are going to play Sneak and Show and try to win mirrors, Spell Pierce is an excellent card. I would play four in DC.
3 Ancient Tomb, 2 City of Traitors: The industry standard for the deck is this 3/2 split of two-mana lands. In a deck that sideboards as much colorless mana as Sneak and Show does, though, I prefer four Ancient Tombs and one City of Traitors. While Ancient Tomb opens you up to getting raced and diminishes your Griselbrands, it also allows you to move in on an early combo turn without setting you back even further if your opponent has an answer.
4 Lotus Petal: The ideal mana accelerant in a deck that wants fast blue mana early for a potential turn one Show and Tell and fast red mana late for multiple Sneak Attack activations. I would advise playing these before your combo turn, however, if your opponent is capable of casting Thalia, Guardian of Thraben or Counterbalance. It is better to telegraph your deck choice than to get your Lotus Petal invalidated.
7 Fetch Lands, 3 Island, 4 Volcanic Island: Huey plays eleven red sources and fourteen blue sources, while Gerry et al. played twelve and thirteen respectively. The basic Mountain is better in a metagame that incentivizes you to cast Sneak Attack and pass against a Wasteland deck, while more fetch lands and fewer Volcanic Islands make for better Brainstorms and Ponders. I dislike only thirteen blue sources, though, as you either have to mulligan more hands or cast cantrips off of Lotus Petal from time to time. I find both options unappealing, so I prefer Huey’s mana base.
The sideboard for Sneak and Show is in the tradition of Legacy combo decks an assortment of “answer answers”—that is, cards that beat cards that beat the deck’s combo.
Blood Moon answers Karakas and shuts off a lot of three-color midrange and tempo decks.
Leyline of Sanctity answers discard spells.
Echoing Truth answers hate bears like Phyrexian Revoker and Thalia as well as trumps permanents like Humility and Ensnaring Bridge.
Red Elemental Blast answers counterspells.
Through the Breach answers cards that people will try to Show and Tell in against you.
Pyroclasm answers hate bears and is great on its own against Delver decks.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor answers blue decks that try to attrition you with a variety of different answers but don’t put much pressure on you.
Swan Song answers Counterbalance, Humility, opposing Sneak Attacks, and other counterspells.
Grafdigger’s Cage answers Green Sun’s Zenith and Natural Order out of Elves, Past in Flames out of Storm, and all of Reanimator’s game plan—three combo decks that can often race you as well as disrupt you.
No matter what you end up sideboarding, the “answer answers” paradigm is useful. Combo decks are notoriously easy to oversideboard, so I would err on the side of taking too few cards out of your deck. You don’t want to start cutting Ponders or lands just because you can’t figure out what to take out for your sweet sideboard card.
Sideboarding for the deck is actually fairly easy—you envision how the sideboard games will play out, you think about how your opponent is going to try to beat you, and you sideboard in cards that beat their game plan while sideboarding out cards that don’t beat their game plan. Since you have so many cards that you should never sideboard out, there are relatively few ways to make a mistake. And as I mentioned before, when you’re in doubt, maintain your maindeck configuration.
So what are the downsides to playing this deck?
There are a huge number of cards that interact with the deck in a meaningful way. Hate cards can attack your mana base, your Show and Tell, your Sneak Attack, your creatures, your ability to attack with those creatures, or your ability to keep cards in your hand. There are a lot of angles that people will use to attack the deck, and that isn’t even counting the times where you cast a bunch of cantrips, shuffle away bad cards, and don’t draw your good ones. This combo deck bricks off just like any other.
Sneak and Show is also the boogeyman of the format right now. People are afraid of it. People think that the deck’s success will lead to Show and Tell’s (long overdue) banning. Regardless of the accuracy of those fears, they exist, and people will act on them. If you choose this deck, you will slog through a lot of hate over the course of the Grand Prix. If you are very good with the deck and know what each opposing deck is capable of, you will do well.
Let me emphasize my point on research again. If you plan on playing a deck that is in the crosshairs of every fair deck in the format, it is your responsibility to know how every deck plans on beating you. Don’t tell your friends that you cast Show and Tell in a sideboarded game against Death and Taxes, put in Emrakul, and got “blown out” by Karakas. They play three-to-four of them. It shouldn’t be a surprise when they have one.
The upsides of the deck are evident from the past few weeks of SCGLive coverage; the deck has a huge amount of power and explosiveness, it plays the best blue cards in the format, and it can combo through resistance because of Sneak Attack’s activated ability and Griselbrand’s activated ability.
If I were going to play Sneak and Show at the Grand Prix, I would play the following list.
Creatures (8)
Lands (19)
Spells (33)

The following videos should demonstrate how powerful the deck is.
So what if you don’t want to rely on Show and Tell to get your huge creatures into play?
If you want to be the only person bringing gigantic hook-handed Demons to school, I recommend Reanimator.
Creatures (7)
Lands (15)
Spells (38)

This incidentally is what I would play in Washington if I were the Reanimating sort. Since I had a bad Griselbrand experience in Atlanta last year, I won’t be playing Reanimator. With that said, I have the utmost respect for the power of Entomb and Reanimate.
Reanimator is a linear combo deck that has one single game plan: get a huge creature into play.
It also has to live with the reality that we live in a world with Deathrite Shaman. This means that it has to be a faster combo deck than Reanimator decks of the past. While old Reanimator decks could take their sweet time setting up their combo turn with three counterspells behind, this deck has to play four Lotus Petals and move in on the combo as early as turn 1.
To that end, this deck plays the maximum number of blue and black ways to put a creature in the graveyard: four Careful Studys and four Entombs. It also plays the maximum number of spell-based ways to bring said creature back from the dead: four Reanimates and four Exhumes. It plays zero copies of Animate Dead, which is the worst reanimation spell in a world with Abrupt Decay.
Older versions of Reanimator played four Reanimates, four Exhumes, and two Animate Deads. They were built to fight through multiple counterspells over multiple turns of Magic. We don’t live in that world anymore. This deck has to beat Deathrite Shaman and Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, not Counterspell.
When this deck is on the draw, stumbles, or gets disrupted, it also has to have a contingency for an active Deathrite Shaman. That’s where Show and Tell takes over.
Show and Tell is incidentally the best sideboard “answer answer” that Reanimator has available to it. It wants to play four copies of Show and Tell after sideboarding against any Deathrite Shaman deck, and since the deck plays fewer maindeck lands to accommodate for Lotus Petal, it has to sideboard more lands to be able to reliably cast Show and Tell. Maindecking a couple of Show and Tells allows the deck to be able to beat a Deathrite Shaman in game 1s while also freeing up space in the sideboard for important “answer answers.”
City of Traitors is the ideal sideboard land in a deck that needs to resolve key spells through soft countermagic. City of Traitors is better than Ancient Tomb in a deck with Griselbrand, Reanimate, Force of Will, fetch lands, and Thoughtseize. It is also better than basic lands since it will be the last land you play before you try to resolve a Show and Tell or reanimation spell.
Other Reanimator decks cut back on various spells: Dazes, Thoughtseizes, and so on. It’s very reasonable to want a limited number of counterspells or discard spells. It is unreasonable to cut Ponders from your blue combo deck, yet I have seen many Reanimator decklists that eschew a full playset of a cantrip that is restricted in Vintage.
This deck’s most powerful “normal” start is turn 1 Underground Sea, Ponder; turn 2 black source, Entomb, Reanimate. Ponder enables your best starts better than any other card, Brainstorm included. It is lunacy to cut any number of Ponders.
Once we understand that it’s a good idea to max out on all of your best spells—Brainstorm, Ponder, Reanimate, Exhume, Force of Will, and Lotus Petal—we can talk about a more contentious problem like what creatures you want to play.
The magic number for Careful Study is seven creatures. I’m not exactly certain how this number came to exist, but every Reanimator deck in Legacy has played at least seven creatures. They have occasionally played more, but seven is a common minimum. For example:
Creatures (7)
Lands (16)
Spells (37)

Creatures (7)
Lands (18)
Spells (35)
- 4 Brainstorm
- 4 Force of Will
- 4 Reanimate
- 4 Animate Dead
- 1 Exhume
- 4 Daze
- 4 Entomb
- 4 Careful Study
- 3 Ponder
- 3 Thoughtseize

Creatures (7)
Lands (18)
Spells (35)

Creatures (8)
Lands (18)
Spells (34)

I’m not going to try to reinvent the wheel, so we’re going to play seven creatures and at least one more in the sideboard.
Since we play Show and Tell and therefore can’t always choose what creature we put into play, we want to play all four Griselbrands. It’s the best creature in Legacy that can be targeted by Reanimate, and it is the best enabler for the deck to put a second creature into play.
Four Griselbrands.
The remaining three creatures have to solve the widest cross-section of problems that confront this deck. What are those problems?
First, anything that answers your creature. It’s a wide variety of cards: Karakas, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Swords to Plowshares, and so on. There is, of course, a simple answer: shroud (and its newer cousin hexproof).
What’s the best shroud creature in Legacy? A simple Gatherer search turns up Plated Slagwurm, Inkwell Leviathan, and Empyrial Archangel as options.
Of those Inkwell Leviathan is the clear winner. It has the second-best form of evasion in Legacy (Islandwalk, with flying a narrow first) and trample to get through Mother of Runes or an endless stream of chump blockers. Empyrial Archangel kills a turn slower and can be killed by two Tarmogoyfs—hardly an appealing quality when you often only get to bring back one friend from beyond the grave.
One Inkwell Leviathan.
Next we have to beat other combo decks. We can break those down into those that attack and those that don’t. Of the combo decks that attack, Blazing Archon stops all of them. Once you’ve stopped them, you can eventually bring back Inkwell Leviathan and slip by any Emrakuls or Griselbrands that may be standing around.
One Blazing Archon.
Reanimator decks have typically played an Iona, Shield of Emeria as a way to beat other combo decks. Since Griselbrand, Iona has become less useful. Griselbrand can sit in play against any spell-based combo decks and wait for an important one to hit the stack and then draw seven-to-fourteen impossible-to-Duress cards and Force of Will their crucial spell.
Zero Iona, Shield of Emeria.
The last card should answer a number of small annoying creatures. Tribal decks, utility creature decks, and others are often completely dead to Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. Elesh Norn often has crossover value with Blazing Archon, but it’s a valuable-enough effect that we want to play it. Being able to flat-out win games in multiple matchups is a rare skill.
One Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite.
Let’s talk about our sideboard. In the style of Sneak and Show, we want a wide variety of “answer answers.” Since we’re playing a deck whose Plan A gets completely invalidated by Grafdigger’s Cage and mostly invalidated by Deathrite Shaman and Surgical Extraction, we also want to fill out our playset of Show and Tell and play two City of Traitors.
Show and Tell dodges Deathrite Shaman, Rest in Peace, Grafdigger’s Cage, Surgical Extraction, and so on. Nothing else does that, and that’s why we want maximum two copies of any non Show and Tell card—none of them beats everything, so none of them are worth playing as three- or four-ofs.
The bounce spells answer permanent-based hate: Cage, Rest in Peace, Shaman, Crypt, Relic, and so on.
The soft counters fight other counterspells and other combo decks.
The discard spells fight combo decks. Don’t board them in against Delver decks—you’ll end up taking one of three or four counters, only two of which they can cast in a given turn.
The Pithing Needles come in against a variety of decks—Sneak Attack, Miracles, and Shardless BUG are the best matchups for Pithing Needle. It names Sneak Attack, Sensei’s Divining Top, and Deathrite Shaman or Liliana of the Veil respectively.
Ashen Rider comes in with the Show and Tells since it’s the next-best non-legendary creature that this deck can play. It has the nice upside of destroying whatever answers it, buying you time against a Jace or Liliana.
The upside to Reanimator is fairly straightforward—it’s a turn 2 Griselbrand deck. It plays Lotus Petal and Force of Will. It is both explosively powerful and favored against other combo decks.
It also benefits from the relative paucity of graveyard hate that’s being played right now. With Sneak and Show in the crosshairs of the format’s fair decks, people are playing cards like Oblivion Ring and Humility, not Surgical Extraction and Leyline of the Void. This is a huge advantage for a Reanimator deck—but only if you don’t oversideboard.
The downside to Reanimator is that it is a fifteen-land combo deck. It needs the right mix of burying and reanimation to function, and you mulligan a lot to find it. You mulligan because you lack lands’ you mulligan because you lack the right mix of spells. You have to mulligan a lot because your deck doesn’t play Magic if you don’t. It is inconsistent, and that is the price you pay for this kind of power.
If you want to play Reanimator, though, play this:
Creatures (7)
Lands (15)
Spells (38)

If you want to play a more consistent fifteen-land combo deck, I recommend Storm.
Lands (15)
Spells (45)
- 1 Sensei's Divining Top
- 1 Tendrils of Agony
- 4 Brainstorm
- 4 Cabal Ritual
- 3 Duress
- 4 Dark Ritual
- 4 Cabal Therapy
- 4 Lotus Petal
- 4 Lion's Eye Diamond
- 4 Infernal Tutor
- 4 Ponder
- 1 Ad Nauseam
- 2 Preordain
- 4 Gitaxian Probe
- 1 Past in Flames

This is Timo Schunemann’s list that made Top 8 of the Bazaar of Moxen. Timo Schunemann won Grand Prix Ghent with Storm in 2012, and his appearance in the Bazaar Top 8 comes as no surprise to me.
The maindeck looks a lot like Adam Prosak Preordain Tendrils list, complete with Cabal Therapys, Duresses, red for Past in Flames in the maindeck, and green for Carpet of Flowers and Abrupt Decay in the sideboard.
It has a single Sensei’s Divining Top over a Preordain, which both slows the deck down and improves the value of Lion’s Eye Diamond since you can set up an action spell on top, float mana, and draw it with Sensei’s Divining Top.
It has seven discard spells to Prosak’s six, which explains the absence of the third Preordain.
For a more thorough primer, I recommend reading up here.
Adam’s advice is just as valid now as it was eight months ago, although I like Timo’s mana base over Prosak’s Gemstone Mines. Adam’s logic regarding four Duresses and two Cabal Therapys is similarly suspect, as Cabal Therapy hits multiples of important cards and allows you to hit incredibly crucial cards like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben; Ethersworn Canonist; and Gaddock Teeg.
Europe’s metagame is filled with combo decks and anti-combo, anti-tempo fair decks. To win with combo, you have to beat a lot of different hate cards. This sideboard did the job for him. Let’s look at it.
1 Ad Nauseam: This is the extra action card that Storm wants in order to drive early kills. When you’re racing a hate bear down, you want another Ad Nauseam that you can naturally draw and cast on turn 2.
3 Carpet of Flowers: This is your best answer to everything in tempo decks. Carpet of Flowers invalidates their Daze or Spell Pierce, and it acts as a free ritual every turn. It works the turn you cast it because you can trigger it in your second main phase. It fixes your mana, and it gets you out of tough Wasteland situations.
3 Abrupt Decay: This is your answer to hate bears and Counterbalance. Those are the only cards you need to kill with it.
3 Xantid Swarm: This is your answer to counterspells. In order to bring in more counterspells and hate cards, control decks have to board something out. The overwhelming majority of the time they cut removal spells since Storm’s maindeck has no creatures. This sets up a win-win dynamic:
- They draw removal game 2, you draw Xantid Swarm: Their best-case scenario. You trade a card for a card and keep playing Magic.
- They don’t draw removal, you draw Xantid Swarm: They have to counter it or get Silenced for the rest of the game.
- They draw removal, you don’t draw Xantid Swarm: They have some number of dead cards in hand, so your discard spells are more likely to take out their only interaction.
If you’re concerned that Xantid Swarm gets worse once it’s a known quantity, the above scenarios should show you that it is just as good once they know about it. On occasion it’s even better when they do.
3 Dread of Night: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. Ethersworn Canonist. Gaddock Teeg.
1 Chain of Vapor: See above.
1 Tormod’s Crypt: I’m genuinely confused about this one. It’s straightforward—it removes their graveyard from the game. I would rather play a Chrome Mox to sideboard in along with the Ad Nauseam, though, as your plan in casting a naturally drawn Ad Nauseam often leaves you without floating mana. The addition of Chrome Mox allows the deck to continue a combo turn where it taps out for Ad Nauseam.
Storm has an unfortunate (and undeserved) reputation as a deck that can’t beat tempo decks and Counterbalance decks.
These videos should nicely debunk those myths.
The upsides to playing Storm are manifold. You’re a fast combo deck with a lot of hand disruption. You have powerful cantrips and a lot of redundant combo pieces. You have four copies of Demonic Tutor and four copies of Black Lotus. People have no idea what to counter in any situation that doesn’t involve countering your hellbent Infernal Tutor. If you know how to play the deck proficiently, you get a lot of free wins. You are a combo deck that is even to slightly ahead against tempo decks.
The downsides to playing Storm vary wildly. You have the same “fifteen-land combo deck” problem that Reanimator has, although you can actually kill people on turn 1. You are vulnerable to discard spells more than almost any other combo deck. You care about your life total much more than Reanimator or Sneak and Show.
At the end of the day though if I wanted to play a combo deck in Washington, I would play Storm. Sneak and Show has a huge problem beating a resolved Xantid Swarm, and a lot of the hate that people are playing for combo decks attacks permanents, not spells.
I expect Sneak and Show to be the most popular combo deck on Saturday though. No matter what you play, plan on beating it.
I would not recommend playing Painter’s Servant in Washington, as Emrakul’s trigger beats your game plan straight up.
I would not recommend playing Dredge in Washington, as it is a graveyard combo deck that loses to Deathrite Shaman more than Reanimator.
I would not recommend playing Omniscience in Washington, as it is far worse against a field that will be populated by Sneak Attack, Storm, and Reanimator. Leyline of Sanctity and Defense Grid no longer cover nearly as many angles as they used to, and that’s a huge problem for the deck.
If you have questions, comments, or feedback, I would love to hear from you on Twitter or in the comments.
I look forward to giving you an in-depth rundown of the format’s three major Delver decks tomorrow.
Until then,
@drewlevin on Twitter