MTGCast #190 – David-Bowie-in-Labyrinth Cool!

Grand Prix: Oakland!

Wednesday, January 20th – In this week’s edition of MTGCast, the guys discuss Worldwake spoilers, the Magic Cruise, the Orb of Insight, and much more!

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MTGCast #190 – David-Bowie-in-Labyrinth Cool!
“You read it somewhere else, but you heard it here first!”

This Week in Magic

The Worldwake spoiler machine is in full effect with the official WoTC spoilers starting this week (stay tuned to the end for the very newest spoilers). Tom and Steve pick some favorites from the current spoiled list and some oddities from the Orb of Insight. Legion Event’s Magic Cruise 2 is quickly approaching on Feb 7th and attendance is marked at over 100! And some cool historical info on our preview card, Bestial Menace, and it’s nickname of “Cone of Creatures” in a 2002 Mark Rosewater article.

What Have We Been Playing?
Tom is steeling himself in both mind and spirit for the upcoming release of Mass Effect 2 AND Star Trek Online!

Listener Emails
Tons of great feedback this week. Here is link to the David Bowie opus, Labyrinth. Link to the hall of fame video of Lucas Hager. And below is a picture of David Bowie looking very, very awesome.

MTGCast News

Stay tuned next week for our Worldwake give-away contests!

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