Hello everyone, and welcome back to my daily series of Financial Value articles about the newest set. This time around, we’re going to discuss the third set of the immensely popular Return to Ravnica block: Dragon’s Maze! Since the formatting for this series is slightly different than past Financial Value articles, you’re going to have to look at this guide to my article every…single…day! I’m back from my trip to Atlanta, so I have Friday and today’s cards to catch up on!
Starting Price: The first price we assign to this card as a preorder
Current Price: The current price of the card, by the time this article goes live
Future Price—Short Term: The price I believe this card will be at before Magic Online redemptions go live for Dragon’s Maze
Future Price—Medium Term: The price I believe this card will be at by the time the next set (M14) comes out
Future Price—Long Term: The price I believe this card will be at a year from now, when the next spring set is released (Journey to Nyx)
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Flesh // Blood |
Starting Price: $3 Current Price: $2 Future Price—Short Term: $3 Future Price—Medium Term: $2 Future Price—Long Term: $3 |
Flesh isn’t too exciting, but Blood is a Fling that doesn’t require you to sacrifice the creature. Soul’s Fire was just short of being Constructed playable, but with Pit Fight seeing some play, Blood seems like a better choice for that deck (since it can also hit players).
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Obzedat’s Aid |
Starting Price: $2.50 Current Price: $4 Future Price—Short Term: $2 Future Price— Medium Term: $3 Future Price—Long Term: $4 |
Fantastic casual card. Not sure it’ll find a home in Constructed play, but the mana cost is not prohibitive to this happening. I think the price will dip some once people see it’s not getting played in Standard but will rise up slowly over time due to casual interest.
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Possibility Storm[/author]“][author name="Possibility Storm"]Possibility Storm[/author] |
Starting Price: $1 Current Price: $1 Future Price—Short Term: $1 Future Price—Medium Term: $1 Future Price—Long Term: $1 |
Starting at bulk rare price, but I don’t feel 100% confident saying it will stay at this price. Possibility Storm[/author]“][author name="Possibility Storm"]Possibility Storm[/author] lets you set up all sorts of “stack the top of my deck” tricks and lets you cast spells at a heavy mana discount if you are able to do so. This is not one of those random red cards that is complete junk; I think a savvy deckbuilder might be able to make this into a viable combo deck. I’d buy four of these at $1 each just in case. I think odds are against this being good, but if it is good it’ll be a $3-$4 card.
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Progenitor Mimic |
Starting Price: $8 Current Price: $8 Future Price—Short Term: $6 Future Price—Medium Term: $5 Future Price—Long Term: $6 |
Man would this have been good as a legendary creature! Since you can’t make it your general, let’s examine the other aspect of the card. Is it worth two extra mana (G1) over Clone to allow you to make a token copy of the creature you are copying the turn after Progenitor Mimic comes into play (and each turn thereafter)?
While you might think the answer is no (which was my initial thought), I took a look at Followed Footsteps. We get $4 a piece for Followed Footsteps, and this card is a better card than Followed Footsteps (since it doesn’t target, they can’t kill the creature you are copying/bounce their own/etc. in response to it coming into play without you getting to choose another target, whereas they can more easily foil Followed Footsteps). I think Progenitor Mimic will go down in the short term but will be right back up in the $8-$10 range in the longer term (like around when the fall set comes out in 2015!).
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Renegade Krasis |
Starting Price: $2 Current Price: $2 Future Price—Short Term: $1.50 Future Price—Medium Term: $2 Future Price—Long Term: $2 |
It’s an evolve lord! It should have a lot of casual interest and might see Standard play (though it has to compete with Predator Ooze).
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Tajic, Blade of the Legion |
Starting Price: $4 Current Price: $4 Future Price—Short Term: $4 Future Price—Medium Term: $4 Future Price—Long Term: $4 |
I’ll compare this to Cho-Manno, which saw some Standard play back in the day. Tajic is obviously the better card since it’s outright indestructible (as opposed to just damage preventing), and Tajic gets a huge bonus with battalion. Tajic would be an all-star if he had some evasion ability. The ability to stop big monsters is huge though, which makes Tajic good even against an empty board (as opposed to most other battalion guys who are substandard when not attacking in a group). Tajic hits the right notes of being good in Constructed and having a great casual ability, so I’m bullish on him.
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Voice of Resurgence |
Starting Price: $20 Current Price: $20 Future Price—Short Term: $25 Future Price—Medium Term: $20 Future Price—Long Term: $15 |
Extremely potent threat, which is not something you often hear about a two-drop creature. Survives board sweepers (albeit as a 1/1 token), punishes control—this will see Modern and Standard play and may see Legacy play as well. If this does see Legacy play, it’ll stick at $20. If not, it’ll go down to the $15 range but stay there. Solid to pick up now, as the price will go up shortly before a larger supply hits with set redemption!
Blood Scrivener: $8 (from $5) – Once again, I think this is going to stay at $8-$10 because it’s a two-drop Zombie that slots straight into an existing archetype that needed a two-drop Zombie.
Council of the Absolute: $8 (from $6) – I don’t think that this card is great given that Meddling Mage (at two mana cheaper) has been struggling to be a player in Modern for a while – but I won’t argue with sales! I think this’ll go right back down after the set release.
Sire of Insanity: $2 (started at $0.50, went as high as $3, dropped back to $2) – Both Brian Kibler and Zvi Mowshowitz think I am crazy to call Sire of Insanity a bulk rare. A lot of other vendors have bought us out of all copies I’ve listed several times. The fact is though that Sire of Insanity stopped selling at $3. I dropped it back to $2, and I still personally think it’ll be a $1 (or less) card by the time M14 is released.
Varolz, the Scar-Striped: $5 (from $3) – There’s a lot of excitement about combining Varolz with Death’s Shadow (or Phyrexian Dreadnought). Not a fan myself, but I’ve learned to never discount the shell of a Dredge deck in any format, so we’ll see. Just remember: Lotleth Troll hit $10 before free falling to the $2-$3 range.
See everyone tomorrow!
- Ben
Previous Daily Financial Value Articles
April 11, Thursday: Blood Scrivener; Lavinia of the Tenth; Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker; Sire of Insanity; Varolz, the Scar-Striped; Zhur-Taa Ancient
April 10, Wednesday: Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch; Renounce the Guilds; Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts
April 9, Tuesday: Advent of the Wurm; Master of Cruelties; Vorel of the Hull Clade