
Daily Digest: Reports Of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated

#SCGBALT is a huge coming out party for Modern on the Open Series! But if you think you’ve got the metagame pinned down based on the Pro Tour, one winning player and his deck would like a word with you…

Although the little pain in the butt was nearly completely absent during the bulk of Pro Tour Fate Reforged, I think we should’ve all learned by now that Delver of Secrets is never actually going anywhere.

Though you’d struggle to find copies of Delver throughout much of the field, it looks like the cream still rose to the top for Calvin Kim. His creature count is perhaps a tad high for this sort of business, but that seems to have just helped him keep a high volume of threats to improve his Burn matchups. Kim went with the maximum number of maindeck Spell Snares, a huge nod of respect to stealing tempo from Abzan’s Tarmogoyfs and Scavenging Oozes. And if people think they can just Pyroclasm their way back into this matchup, a huge stock of Spell Snare is a great preemptive measure.

Only time will tell if Delver of Secrets really is heading back to the top of Modern going into SCG Baltimore this weekend, but if history has taught us anything, it’s that the answer is pretty much always yes.