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With All Due Respect to Scott Johns; No, I Suck: Less Than Stellar Times at a PT: New Orleans Qualifier

At this point, I really just want to hang a heavy stone around my neck, wander over to the Morrison Bridge, and just end my misery. Sweet Jeebus, I’m turning into Vern.

The Real Story Behind Odyssey

I was going to predict what the flavor texts hold for the storyline. But upon reading the quotes in Odyssey, I found something new…

Stuck In The Middle With Bruce

Why does John Rizzo lose? Why does he fail? A thought that might well mean something to everyone who plays Magic.

A Peek into Randy B’s Mind

Wonder what blue looked like in Odyssey before it was finally restrained? Bennie manages to sneak out a document that shows what Randy originally designed…

1800 Or Bust!: Control Is Dead. Long Live Control!

Sure, control will take a hammering thanks to Flashback – but supplement counterspells with discard and a low number of quality Flashback spells, and you might get this.

Odyssey Prerelease Report Pittsburgh *T1*: The CMU Student That Could

Before the Tournament Since this is my first tourney report, I figure I should give a little background on myself. If that’s not your cup of tea, feel free to skip ahead to your heart’s content. I first got into Magic many years ago when I was playing a play by mail game run by…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #104: WWHD (What Would Homer Do)?

With the Scylla of one attractive Prerelease build and the Charybdis of another, what do you play? Or do you just go off on a rant against Mike Long?

Use It Up And Wear It Out

Tony gets serious for a moment about tragedy – and then returns to form for his nominations on the best and worst Odyssey cards.

Our Dearly Departed

Twenty-four characters died in the Apocalypse. As usual, Daniel brings you up to date on the storylines so you can see what’s happening… Or who WAS happening.

Set Intersect: Adding Odyssey to the Mix

When looking over a new set, it pays to mine for gold in broad terms. Are there synergies between old cards and new themes?

Peace of Mind: Burying the Future

This set is going to take a while to break open. But let’s take a look at eight things about Odyssey that you need to know.

Welcome To Buehler Block: What Would Your Puppet Be?

Muddy pictures and a contest (with no prize) to name Rizzo’s amazing ferret puppet sidekick. Oh, and he bashes pros again. What a surprise.

1800 or Bust!: A Fond Farewell?

I love block rotations. W hat cards will I miss, what mechanics will we see the back of, and what cards didn’t see the play they were supposed to?

CASUAL FRIDAYS #103: Come To Minnesota, Enjoy Casual Odyssey Cards, Bounce Inside Of Snoopy

With Grand Prix Minneapolis coming next week, some advice on sights to see, and thoughts on rumored cards.

Harsh Judgment: My Take on Theron

In the beginning, there was Mike Long. But the DCI was just getting started.