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Ask Ken, 07/20/2004

What’s the best place you’ve eaten while at a Magic event? What’s the worst?

Blog Elemental – BOOM, Baby and Call Me Mister Loser

You thought Friday was big? As MyFeetStink said in Thursday’s Forum thread,”The fun is in the journey, not in the destination.” Well strap yourselves in, kiddies, because we’re going on a bit of a roller-coaster featuring more game recaps and ch-ch-ch-changes!

StarCityGames.com “Power Nine” Tournament – Top 8 Decklists and Interviews!

This past Saturday, 167 competitors participated in the eagerly anticipated StarCityGames.com”Power Nine” Tournament!

Wondering what the top eight decklists looked like? Want to hear why the top eight finishers played what they played? All of that and more is just one click away!

StarCityGames.com”Power Nine” Tournament
Complete Coverage!

Trains, Planes, and Air Bubbles – PT: Seattle *7th*

Normally, for an event like a Pro Tour, more time is spent onsite than traveling thanks to a little invention called the”airplane.” This time, however, was different. I woke up Monday morning (three days before I was supposed to leave for Seattle) with a searing pain in my chest, and my parents took me to the hospital. I found out that I have a recurring case of a pneumo thorax, which is an air bubble in between my lung and ribcage. Yeah, it hurts…

Magic Puzzles in Play, Vol 3 – Knowing Your Outs: The Answers

Well, it looks like this most recent set of puzzles really gave some of you a run for your money. One of the important lessons to be learned from these puzzles is that the most obvious play is not always the correct play. Keep that in mind next time you have two Shrapnel Blasts in hand and an opponent at ten life.

Ask Ken, 07/19/2004

How much card draw is enough? For sixty-card decks, how much should be card draw (assuming it’s available)? Is there a formula/general rule, or is the only real way to know extensive testing?

Blogg Fanatic: Food for Thought

For the reporter that’s always on the go, it’s food that makes the world go round.


Our opponents continue to out-open us, grabbing Form of the Dragon and Forgotten Ancient in Scourge, but it hardly matters. All I want to talk to Tim about is this crazy gamble he called in Legions. Canopy Crawler was the best card in the pack. I’ve taken it over Timberwatch Elf more than once! Not taking it – giving the opponents a chance to hate it – was a clear mistake. Or was it?

Magic Puzzles in Play, Vol 3 – Knowing Your Outs

Once again it’s time to turn some seemingly impossible board positions into sure wins. A couple of the puzzles this volume focus on a specific aspect of Magic that I know a lot of people (myself included) could use some practice with: knowing your outs. Much like in poker, it is critically important for the competitive Magic player to know exactly which cards in his deck can help him to achieve victory.

The Mirrodin Block Limited Review – Darksteel Green and Artifacts

While I did receive quite a bit of criticism in Seattle for my pick articles, I received just as much praise. I think this proves that my often praised, often criticized style of not exactly ordering picks is correct. However, I do think that just randomly ordering them in groups can be misleading. In this article, I will try to more accurately organize them. The pick orders still won’t be exact, but they will be a lot closer than they have been in the past.

Blogg Fanatic: Stereotype One

Recently, Bleiweiss managed to unapologetically piss off the entire Type I community. He said their decks were unoriginal. He told them they were bad players. He called them whiny elitists, and he showed no remorse for his actions. What could he possibly have been thinking and what is he going to say next? If you are a Type I player (or just someone who really dislikes Ben Bleiweiss), then this is the article for you!

Ask Ken, 07/16/2004

What’s your biggest Magic tournament accomplishment?

Blog Elemental — Super Size Friday

Before I make any other changes to the deck, I want to nudge it closer to cog-tacularity and further away from WW Equip. I fully admit that someone else doing this experiment would do the exact opposite, which is part of the fun.

Mono-Black Death Cloud in MBC – *T8*

This is very similar to the list Brian Kibler posted, the main difference being my decision to run Echoing Decay. The deck is pretty straightforward, its main goal being to set up a massive Death Cloud that wrecks your opponent, at the same time suspiciously always leaving you with two Swamps and a Guardian Idol. At least that’s what happened to Brian Fulop and me.

Blogg Fanatic: Happy Birthday, Potato

I have gotten to see Mike many times, and I can say without hesitation that he is one of the kindest, nicest, and most pleasant people in Magic. Note that I didn’t just limit this to the Pro Community (which at times can be cliquish and downright off-putting), but to all of Magic. He wears a smile, a pleasant demeanor and a cheery spirit as if they were clothing. Let me tell you a couple of stories about Mike.