WotC Unveils Theros Beyond Death Promotional Cards

Check out the awesome new promotional cards coming with Theros Beyond Death!

Wizards of the Coast (WotC) released the first images of the promotional cards from Magic: The Gathering’s newest set, Theros Beyond Death.

Athreos, Shroud-Veiled is currently the only God from the set available as a promotional card – obtainable via in-store Buy-a-Box promotions.

By purchasing a Theros Beyond Death bundle, players will receive this alternate-art Arasta of the Endless Web.

Lastly, by playing in select events at local game stores, players can obtain “…some of the set’s best commons and uncommons with a special promo treatment.”

Read the original article from Wizards of the Coast.

Theros Beyond Death releases January 24. Preorder Draft Booster boxes, Collectors boxes, singles, and more today!