Ultimate Masters Flashback Drafts Arrive On Magic Online

Check out the updates and new events coming soon to Magic Online!

Halvar, God of Battle, illustrated by Lie Setiawan

As part of an ongoing series of weekly changes, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) has announced the updates and changes for week five of Kaldheim on Magic Online.

Magic Online Champions Showcase

The two 2020 Champions Showcase events left from 2020 are scheduled to take place March 13-14, 2021 and will both feature Magic’s oldest format —Vintage.

Season 2Saturday, March 13, 202110 AM PTVintage Cube Draft, Modern
Season 3Sunday, March 14, 202110 AM PTVintage Cube Draft, Modern

Kaldheim Alternative Play Schedule

  • February 24: Ultimate Masters Flashback.
  • March 3: Vintage Cube.
  • March 24: Time Spiral Remastered Supreme Draft. 
  • March 31: New Spotlight Cube.
  • April 7: New Spotlight Cube.

Ultimate Masters Flashback Draft

Running from February 24 – March 3, players can enjoy Ultimate Masters Flashback Drafts. These events can be entered for 10 Event Tickets, 1 Ultimate Masters booster + 3 Event Tickets, or 100 Play Points.

Qualifier Weekend

Players can enter Saturday’s Pioneer event for 40 MOCS Qualifier Points, 40 Event Tickets, or 400 Play Points, while Sunday’s Kaldheim Sealed event will cost 40 QP.

Saturday, February 27, 20217:00 AMPioneer QualifierPioneerStrixhaven Championship (MTG Arena)
Sunday, February 21, 20217:00 AMLimited QualifierKHM SealedStrixhaven Championship (MTG Arena)

Format Challenges

Format Challenges are scheduled to run every weekend for the foreseeable future and are the “first step to qualifying for Premier Play.” The schedule for upcoming Format Challenges can be found below:

12:00 AM Vintage Challenge
2:00 AMPauper Challenge 
4:00 AMLegacy ChallengeModern Challenge
6:00 AMStandard ChallengePioneer Challenge
8:00 AMModern ChallengeLegacy Challenge
10:00 AMVintage ChallengePauper Challenge
2:00 PMPioneer ChallengeStandard Challenge

Next Downtime

The next downtime is scheduled for tomorrow, February 24 at 9 AM PT until noon for server maintenance.

Read the original article from Wizards of the Coast.