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Wilderness Reclamation Dominates As Players Tour Finals Top 8 Is Finalized

Stacked event whittles down the field to Top 8 to be played Saturday.

Stoneforge Mystic, Batterskull Back Together In Double Masters

Stoneforge Mystic and Batterskull get first reprinting in Double Masters.

Fatal Push Gets Box Topper Treatment In Double Masters

Black’s best removal spell is back and better than ever in Double Masters.

MTG Heavily Played (HP) Singles Sale!

One of our most popular Magic: The Gathering sales of all time is back!

Phyrexian Revoker And Spellskite Return In Double Masters

Two horrors from the Scars of Mirrodin block reprinted.

Good Morning Magic Details Iconic Cards’ Origins

Verhey talks about Double Masters mythic rares’ first designs.

Chrome Mox Gets Box Topper Treatment In Double Masters

Mythic rare comes back in Double Masters with new showcase frame.

Weekly MTG Unveils Force of Will In Double Masters

Iconic counterspell Force of Will returns in Double Masters with new art and Showcase frame!

Phyrexian Metamorph Gets New Artwork, Showcase Frame In Double Masters

Phyrexian Metamorph gets new art and card frame in Double Masters!

Masterwork of Ingenuity, Hammer of Nazahn Get Foil Treatment In Double Masters

Two popular Commander artifacts get first reprinting in Double Masters!

Mox Opal Adds To The Artifact Theme In Double Masters

Mox Opal is back in Double Masters sporting new artwork and a Showcase frame.

Double Masters Adds Sword of Fire and Ice To Its Armory

One of Magic’s most iconic equipments returns in Double Masters with new artwork and card frame!

Ally-Colored Filter Lands Reprinted In Double Masters

Shadowmoor filter lands get first reprint since Battle For Zendikar expeditions.

Academy Ruins And Trinisphere Add To Double Masters Artifact Theme

Two of Magic’s most iconic colorless cards return in Double Masters!

Sneak Attack Returns In Double Masters With Box Topper Variant

Red enchantment returns as mythic rare in Double Masters.