
AuthorVS Live!

VS Live! is the next evolution of live Magic content. Star City Games pros stream their testing live and interact with you, the viewer, every week on Twitch and on StarCityGames.com

VS Live: Modern Madness

It’s Modern madness as Corey Baumeister and Ross Merriam battle with successful lists from recent Magic Online events.

VS Live! Modern As We Know It

With Modern Horizons 2 approaching, Corey Baumeister and Ross Merriam survey the state of the format in three epic battles.

VS Live! Hot Historic Decks

Corey Baumeister and Ross Merriam pilot top-finishing Historic decks from the Hooglandia Open and Insight Esports Open.

VS Live! Pushing the Limits of Modern

Join Ross and Corey as they gear up for Modern Horizons 2 with six fresh decks. Could one of these lists be a secret metagame breaker? Tune in and find out!