
AuthorThe Ferrett

The Ferrett is webmaster of StarCityGames.com. And he is so made of awesome he glows at night.

Ask The Right Questions

We’ve been given a gift – we know the next set for Odyssey block down to the card. That gives us more time… But can we ask the right questions that let us break OBC wide open? That, and a special editorial apology for the Rizzo Fiasco.

The Hornet’s Nest, Part III: Enough With Rizzo, All Right?

Today’s theme is people who really didn’t think that Rizzo was all that good. (Yesterday’s theme was”Writers From Afar,” but I’ll explain why I didn’t mention that in a minute.) But today marks an even more important day in StarCity history: We’re done with Rizzo.

Going Off Like A Bomb In A Nipple Ring

The Ferrett finally weighs in on cheating, the DCI, and why he can’t find it in his heart to condemn Mouth. About as mad as the weasel gets.

Rizzo Died For Your Sins

Rizzo’s left Magic – and he’s never been happier. Why? The Ferrett explains it all to you, UNCENSORED FOR THE FIRST TIME AT STARCITY, and issues the challenge to the next generation. But if you want a piece of Rizzo’s legacy, you’re gona have to work for it.

Tribute To Rizzo Day: Win Some Stuff For Your Best Rizzo Article!

This Friday is a very special day for StarCity… In which a huge surprise concerning our own John Friggin’ Rizzo will be revealed. As such, we’re asking for any and all submissions on how Rizzo Changed Your Life – or your Magic style, or even how you hate the balding joik. The best submissions will get a very special Rizzo prize, the legacy of Bruce himself… So send ’em in quick, as time’s a-wastin!

Adventures In Nipples: My Nipple-Related PTQ Report

Having been told that he’s already going to lose the Writer War, The Ferrett takes a bold new tactic guaranteed to win the hearts and minds of everyone in the world! Oh, and nipple.

Why I Pierced My Nipple

In which The Ferrett discovers that he is a broke, balding loser and attempts to regain his youth by paying a cyborg to plunge a spike through a delicate nerve cluster in his chest.

Drafting White/Blue In Odyssey/Torment

I’ve been drafting every morning on Magic Online, and I have some thoughts on an archetype I’ve had success with. Oh, and I finally go off on Magic’s pricing structure. Has it been too long since I ranted?

How The Days Flu By

So what happened to StarCity?

Why We Need A Multiplayer Pro Tour

We need a Multiplayer Pro Tour. So listen.

Dealing With Incombotent Players

In which The Ferrett abuses his editorial powers to tell you why Jeff Wiles’ article below – which is a fine read – is misguided. Also includes the only sports reference I will ever make. Ever.

The Second Annual StarCity Awards Show!

It’s the awards ceremony that Daniel Crane has been waiting for! Yes, The Ferrett himself comes out of hiding to pick the best and worst moments in 2001 for your benefit… With no strategy whatsoever!

Cool Yer Angried-Up Blood, Folks, or: Why Wizards Thinks They Can Get Away With It

They want you to pay $3.29 when you can buy cards in bulk for $2.00 a pack. Can they get away with this? Well, I’m telling you; they just might.

An End To Torture: The Fill-In-The-Blank Set Review!

The horror repeats itself every four months, like evil clockwork. Can Your Faithful Editor save the day before bad writing drives him mad?

The Goblin Unveiled: Theme Deck Winners!

Extra-special surprises await those who have the courage to dare the collective creativity of the Magic community!