
AuthorThe Ferrett

The Ferrett is webmaster of StarCityGames.com. And he is so made of awesome he glows at night.

The Third Annual StarCity Awards Show!

One thousand, seven hundred and eighty-three articles. That’s how many pieces StarCity has published over the past year. That’s an average of 6.83 articles every weekday for your pleasure – or about three and a half million words. That’s the equivalent of 3,800″How I Spent My Summer Vacation” articles, seventeen Stephen King novels, or half a Rizzo article.
So what was the best article? The funniest article? The worst article and the weirdest story? Find out if I mentioned you by name!

No Sleep Is Not An Excuse For Piss-Poor Editing

So I was rushing the edit job thanks to the fact that I needed content for Monday… And I missed a major error by an author big time. Big time. In the kind of error that Team Academy mocks other sites about. All I can say is that I’m sorry.

Towing Jehova, Visara, Jareth, And Glarecaster To A 2-3 Drop

So I opened my deck and North Korea called, asking me if they could maybe buy a few off of me – I had Visara, Jareth, AND Glarecaster. And I screwed the deck build. So after an ignominious defeat, I asked Alex Shvartsman and Gary Wise what I did wrong… And the answer was most distinctly NOT about the bombs. Plus, a possible Mobilization build that works? Check your States, man…

Canary In A Coalmine: U/W Mobilization’s Downfall

During OBC Season, I got stuck testing R/G Beats extensively – and discovered that it was the Little Deck That Couldn’t. For States, I’ve been testing six different builds of U/W Mobilization – and once again, I have discovered that none of them work. Let me warn you why this is one deck you should not even CONSIDER taking to States – and wonder why I am so clearly drawn to sucktacular decks….

Reader Feedback, Part I: We Want To Know!

You know what the best part about having forums is? The fact that I can ask you all for feedback, and get it pretty damn instantly. So I have four questions to ask of you all now – and to make things interesting, I’ll be holding the first-ever StarCityGames.com Forum Contest!

Marge, In Some Ways, You And I Are Very Different People

Onslaught Sealed is more luck-reliant than it’s ever been before. I was at this one event where a little kid threw all 105 cards into the air, plucked forty cards at random, and 5-0’d the prerelease! And the thing was, this was a child crack addict who had never played Magic before – he thought he was playing in a high-stakes poker tournament to become the Count of Monte Cristo!
So is this true? I mean, REALLY?

Here At Last, Here At Last… Thank God In Heaven, It’s Here At Last!

Notice anything different? Yeah, I thought you might. Why don’t you step over here for a second and let me show you around?

Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants: The Classic Articles That Every Magic Player Must Read

The best articles. For anyone. At any time. If you’re unclear on the fundamentals of the game and how you play it, YOU START HERE.

The Magic Dictionary: Magic Slang Explained!

Here is the list of Magic slang terms for beginners, folks – got any suggestions? Send ’em in!

Eight Things I Learned About Onslaught Limited At The Prerelease (Plus A Larry King-Style Rant)

“Well,” he said with the air of a man giving change to a particularly leprous beggar,”You should run twenty lands, like I do. That’s enough land for – *snif* – your sort of deck.” The immediate temptation was to grab a chair and embed a seat cushion ten inches into his medulla oblongata… But he was closer to right than I had been at seventeen. Does Onslaught break the land count?

StarCity Announcement!

Coming Monday, StarCity will post an announcement indicating that
there will be a huge announcement the Monday following that Star City may upgrade the site on some Monday hence. If you’re good (meaning that you buy lots of merchandise), StarCity might even announce that we’ll be posting articles on a future Monday as well.

The Casual Player’s Guide to Surviving the Onslaught Prerelease

Your last-minute strategy guide for tomorrow’s Big Fun Day. Don’t know what you’re doing? Let The Ferrett walk you through how to build a deck, what sorts of spells to look for, and his initial impressions on the Onslaught environment!

How The Pros F**k Up

I witnessed a match where one player had a Nantuko Shade and enough mana to attack and finish off his opponent; said opponent was tapped out and had no blockers left on the board after an Edict. The name pro did not attack for the win, instead keeping two mana open in case of an Aether Burst that could not be cast. And yet his play is a lesson to all of us wannabes.

My Wife The Unicorn

I learned a very important lesson at GenCon – not necessarily about OBC, but about Magic in general. But to get to the lesson, you’ll have to stay with me through a discussion of the World’s Weirdest Top 8, a Big Decision made before the tourney, and the usual fluff that I put in my so-called articles.

Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics

We’re devoting pretty much all of today to Type One debate… But really, I want to get back to strategy. Strategy – you know, what this site is ostensibly about? Anyway, in the decapitated-chicken flailings of many a Type One player or hater, many facts seem to go by the wayside – and I really need to address some of these from a business perspective.