AuthorSean McKeown

Sean McKeown is renowned for his ability to take existing archetypes and improve them. His articles often end up influencing constructed metagames from States and Regionals to the Pro Tour itself.

Dear Azami: Ill-Met By Moonlight

It’s a double-header! While typically this column goes for budget, this week we’re pulling out all the stops! Sean continues the Commander 2015 series with Titania, Protector of Argoth!

Dear Azami: The Three-Fold Path

Commander 2014 has opened up so many possibilities for Commander deckbuilding, and no card from the set has gotten as much heartfelt love as the one Sean McKeown dives into this week!

Dear Azami: Walk This Way, Part 1

It’s the most exciting time of the year for Commander players! A new set, tons of new cards, and Sean McKeown to tell you how to put them all to good use! If you want to know how to best upgrade your stock Commander 2014 decks, look no further!

Dear Azami: The Fun Police

In maybe one of the most important entries in the history of this column, a reader writes in to address the health of his local Commander scene due to overly degenerate decks. Sean wisely advises him to help fight the good fight through creative deckbuilding!

Dear Azami: The Will To Prevail

The non-blue, non-green decks have it pretty rough in Commander sometimes. How do the other colors overcome inherent card and mana disadvantage? Sean McKeown knows how and he’s here to help!

Dear Azami: Fighting The Abzan Way

One reader is as excited about Khans of Tarkir as the rest of us! However, the difference is that this player needs help reconciling some card choice issues in a new Abzan-colored list. Sean takes the case!

Dear Azami: Born To Roon

Commander master Sean McKeown returns to help a Magic newcomer get a handle on his blink-tastic Roon of the Hidden Realm deck! Take it away Sean!

Dear Azami: The Skullbriar Challenge

After asking readers for their feedback on how he should build a new beatdown deck, Sean returns with a focused Skullbriar brew that isn’t your typical all-in Voltron deck dual-wielding Swords as fast as Zombily possible.

Dear Azami: The Age Of Asceticism

Oloro needs help! Sean takes a watered down Commander deck and turns it into a powerhouse without breaking the bank! Then, he asks for your advice on a great beatdown Commander to focus on going forward!

Dear Azami: God Of Ramp

Enough about Thassa and Keranos! It’s time we gave some of the other Gods a chance to shine! Sean helps a reader in need get Karametra on the road to victory.

Dear Azami: Five Unbanned Cards

Commander players love to speculate and debate what troublesome offenders should or shouldn’t be banned. Sean gives sanity a voice in this look at some dubious Commander staples!

The Art Of Podding People

Stepping briefly away from 99-card decks to work on 60’s, Sean presents his choice for the Modern PTQ season, Kiki-Pod, as well as alternate builds, why you should play it, and how to play it well.

Dear Azami: Nobody Expects The Dega Inquisition!

On this week’s Dear Azami, Sean takes the ever-popular Tariel through some constructive edits in order to satisfy another forlorn Commander enthusiast!

Dear Azami: Conspiracy Theories

Sean loves Conspiracy for its Commander implications as much as its draft format! Today, he picks up Marchesa, the Black Rose and goes crazy with +1/+1 counters! If you’re a fan of counters, look no further…

Dear Azami: Queen Of The Cat People

Mirri, Cat Warrior is an unusual choice for a Commander, but Sean is determined to make her work! Does mono-green have what it takes to be a player in Commander?