
AuthorRich Hagon

Richard Hagon is a freelance composer of music for radio, film and TV, a comedian, actor, musician, singer, writer and general multi-purpose walking talking entertainment system. He started playing Magic during Tempest, and has stumbled his way to various Pro Tour Qualifier victories. Harmless and allegedly humorous, he divides his time between Magic and entertainment, and as the host of moxradio he will be delivering coverage throughout 2007 as part of the Event Coverage Team.

Removed From Game – Permission To Win 101

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Tuesday, April 8th – We’ve reached the 2nd part of 3 in Rich Hagon’s psycho-babble-loaded attempt to get our mental game into gear and use our deeper understanding of ourselves and others to Win before we even sit down to play. Free wins… who wouldn’t want that?

Removed From Game – A Very Big Secret

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Tuesday, April 1st – It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been playing. It doesn’t matter what Format. Constructed, Limited, Kitchen Table, Pro Tour… This week, Rich Hagon has A Very Big Secret to share. It’s a way of looking at Magic, and the wider world beyond, that absolutely guarantees improved Success, if you have the courage to embrace it.

Removed From Game – Here’s Why…

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Tuesday, March 25th – In a bizarrely complementary companion piece to last week’s efficiently-titled ‘Why?’ Rich Hagon returns with every answer you could possibly need. Except the one about the Bahrainian Oil Crisis of 1736. And the winner of Pro Tour: Hollywood. But every other question. Seriously.

Removed From Game – Why?

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, March 18th – “Why not?” and “Because” might get you a University interview on a Philosophy course, but when it comes to explaining to a new player why twelve four-drops is too many in a Goblin rush deck at their first ever Standard FNM? Time to relearn some lessons the easy way, in the company of Rich Hagon, the man with more hair than PT Top 8s. Which is probably true of most of us, actually.

Removed From Game – Pro Report March ’08

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, March 11th – Join Rich Hagon as he sifts through the Pro data from Kuala Lumpur. Who’s up, who’s down, who might be heading for Player of the Year Contention, and who might be heading for the exit… it’s all here.

Removed from Game – Weird

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, March 4th – Inside the Kuala Lumpur Tournament Center. Inside The Booth. Inside Rich Hagon’s head. Yes, Rich Hagon’s head is the odd one out, because plenty of Magic players want to get into the other two. Join Rich for the 100% true tale of a very strange week in Malaysia. This article also features zero Extended decklists, all as part of the service.

Removed From Game – Extended Extended

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Tuesday, February 26th – With Kuala Lumpur now, as they say, in the books, Rich Hagon belatedly returns his attention to the Extended season. With Grand Prix: Vienna looming large, he casts his eye over a PTQ field in the mighty UK, and brings you detailed play-by-play on a full octet of matches.

Removed From Game – The 2008 Runners and Riders, Part 2

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, February 12th – Can you guess? You can? Clever you. Yes, it’s the exact same article as last week, only with different players and different words in a different order. That’s what they mean when they call Rich Hagon “versatile.”

Removed From Game – The 2008 Runners and Riders, Part 1

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
With only ten days to go until the unveiling of the first Pro Tour of a new season, it’s time to dust off the archives, trawl through the stats, and then make outrageously unfounded statements about the likely winners and losers. At least, that’s how Rich Hagon does it. Travel around the globe from Austria to Japan, via Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Britain, Germany, Greece, and Israel. Don’t forget your frequent flyer cards!

Removed From Game – Here Comes Mister Jordan: Five Lor-Lor-Mor Drafts

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
While not featuring quite as many pie charts, dataflow analysis grids, and quantum mana differentiator pylons as Paul Jordan’s epic articles – actually, there are no pie charts – Rich Hagon brings you analysis of 39 LorLorMor Draft decks and a full 10 decklists of variable quality and sanity. These are brought to you at a cost of $0.000000001 each, allowing for standard deviation, taxation, and Gribble’s Third Law of Mechanics.

Removed From Game – On The Prerelease Front Line

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
The Pre-Release is about cards. The Pre-Release is about players. But it’s about a lot more besides, and Rich Hagon brings you some unique perspectives on the celebration of Magic that sees us hurrying to our local tourney in search of fresh Magical produce. Xylophone, cacophony, and penicillin are just three of the words not appearing in this vibrant article.

Removed From Game – TEPSage

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!Yeah, I know, it sounds disgusting doesn’t it? Still, that’s the word that Craig the Editor used earlier this week to describe the act of playtesting Extended with Mind’s Desire, a.k.a. The Extended Perfect Storm, a.k.a. TEPS. Join your only-slightly-above-average-at-Magic host, Rich Hagon, as he explores all the fun of the Storm in an E cup.

Removed From Game – The 2007 Removed From Game Awards

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Season 2008 is upon us, so now’s the time to bid farewell to 2007 with an Award ceremony featuring the contenders and winners of such need-to-know categories as the Fall From Grace, the Redemption award, the Country on the Decline, Match of the Year, the Most Fashionable Player, and over a dozen more. So put on your dinner jacket, or get your ballgown dusted down for the star-studded event of the year.

Removed From Game – Bill and Ted’s Winston Adventure

Read Rich Hagon every week... at StarCityGames.com!
As we start the New Year, what better way to clear the Magical cobwebs from our befuddled brains than getting ourselves the ultimate six-pack? Yes, it’s time to dust off those unopened Lorwyn boosters and get back into the Limited swing of things with this Winston Draft extravaganza, taking you through a head to head showdown from first pick to final turn. Synergy – it’s what you use when you’re naughty. No other jokes inside. Promise.