AuthorRich Hagon

Richard Hagon is a freelance composer of music for radio, film and TV, a comedian, actor, musician, singer, writer and general multi-purpose walking talking entertainment system. He started playing Magic during Tempest, and has stumbled his way to various Pro Tour Qualifier victories. Harmless and allegedly humorous, he divides his time between Magic and entertainment, and as the host of moxradio he will be delivering coverage throughout 2007 as part of the Event Coverage Team.

Removed from Game – Caring

Tuesday, August 24th – Solitaire. Chess. Bridge. Monopoly. Ker-Plunk! All great games in their way, but not something that you naturally Care about. Rich takes us to Great Britain Nationals, where the passion is on display everywhere you look.

Removed from Game – Back on the Road Again

Wednesday, August 18th – It’s full throttle time, as the man voted Most Eligible Ginger Brit Magic Non-Bachelor Commentator returns to our SCG screens. Join Rich for the utter gaming insanity that is GenCon Indianapolis. The Best Four Days In Gaming? It’s no idle boast.

Removed From Game – Thinking, In The Box

Grand Prix GP Columbus July 30-August 1, 2010
Monday, July 19th – It’s time to start counting the dollars, pounds, or yen, stuffed under the mattress at home. Can you afford a box of M11 now it’s hit the shelves? It might seem like a big investment, but Rich explains how to get every drop of value out of thirty six boosters, and why buying a box is one of the best entertainment deals ever.

Removed From Game – More From Inside The Toolkit

Grand Prix GP Columbus July 30-August 1, 2010
Tuesday, July 6th – On a mission to discover just what ‘Semi-Random’ means, Rich cracks another Toolkit, and sets to work, giving guidance to beginner players as the oh-so-cunning Deck Themes get a thorough workout.

Removed From Game – Two for One

Grand Prix GP Columbus July 30-August 1, 2010
Tuesday, June 29th – Not one, but two articles this week from Rich. One is about the Deck Builder’s Toolkit. The other… well, a bit less about Magic, and a bit more about life and death.

Removed From Game – Removed From Extended

The Open Series comes to St. Louis!
Tuesday, June 22nd – With an ear close to the ground, you might have known this was coming. As far back as the closing months of 2009, there were rumors surfacing around various forums that Extended was not in a particularly healthy place, and that Wizards were contemplating a shakeup in the format that sits in an odd place in the structure of the game as a whole.

Removed From Game – Theft, Temptation, and How to Avoid Both

The Open Series comes to St. Louis!
Monday, June 14th – In a refreshingly joke-free edition, it’s time to look at the eye-poppingly large rewards on offer to potential thieves at large-scale Magic events. It may be illegal, but the economics make such nefariousness inevitable, and it’s up to us to make sure a fool and his money are not soon parted. Featuring such awesome words as purloin, rifle, and squinticate, this is a guide to keeping what’s yours, yours.

Removed From Game – How Neil Rigby Will Win Pro Tour: Amsterdam (And So Can You)

The Open Series comes to Seattle!
Monday, June 7th – If you’re not part of a global Superteam, there’s never been a better opportunity to reach the Top 8 of a Pro Tour than the forthcoming event in Amsterdam. Rich explains how three months of hard work and dedication, plus one or two very important shortcuts, can give you the chance to mix it up with the very best.

Removed From Game – First Steps in Block Constructed Open Series: Philadelphia June 5th - 6th
Thursday, May 27th – With the Pro Tour hours away, Rich brings you the beginnings of Block Constructed. It may seem as if the Pros have plucked extraordinary decklists out of thin air, but it’s a lot less arcane than that. Hard work, common sense, and a bit of method can take you a long way, even if you’ve never built a deck in your life. Grab a pen and paper, and take your first steps in Block Constructed.

Removed From Game – Limited Lessons From Lyon

Visit the booth at Grand Pris: Washington!
Monday, May 17th – The European Grand Prix circuit came to France last weekend, and Rich was on hand to collect the Limited Lessons from more than 1400 Sealed Decks, a Day Two of Drafts, and a winning deck that was about as old-fashioned as it’s possible to imagine.

Removed From Game – Learning From Zvi

The Open Series returns to Atlanta!
Monday, April 26th – If you want to learn what Zvi Mowshowitz thinks Now, you know what to do. If you want to learn what Zvi Mowshowitz thought Then, he’s written a book to help. Rich goes inside the pages, and finds out why Then is every bit as important as Now.

Removed From Game – At The Games Club

The Open Series returns to Atlanta!
Wednesday, April 21st – There are few places better to play than The Games Club in central London, and few days better than the Prerelease. Join Rich for plenty of new set analysis, as the hype gives way to actual information about how Rise Limited is going to play out.

Removed From Game – The Hardest Pro Point

The Open Series returns to Atlanta!
Wednesday, April 14th – Since you’re reading this website, you probably like Magic, and like to be successful at the game. At the top, that means Pro Points, but not all Pro Points are created equal. Where are you most likely to pick up ‘cheap’ Points, and where on Earth does The Hardest Pro Point reside? The answers, or at least some of them, are right here.

Removed From Game – Making Grand Prix Tournaments Even Better

Read Rich Hagon every week... at!
Monday, April 5th – After a huge response, Rich brings you the thoughts of players around the world who chipped in with their views on how to make Grand Prix tournaments better. From the intensely practical to the borderline insane, it’s time to check out the collective community wisdom.

Removed From Game – Covering Grand Prix: Brussels

Visit the booth at Grand Prix Houston!
Tuesday, March 30th – Want to know who’s doing well during an event? Who’s out? What new deck’s the hot tech for the weekend? Who got disqualified? Don’t ask Rich, he’s too busy actually writing and recording the stuff to know things like that! Join him for a trip inside the coverage of the largest Standard event ever held.