AuthorOmeed Dariani

Omeed Dariani is former Editor-in-Chief of and a former Contributing Editor for Scrye Magazine. Omeed has since moved to Seattle, WA to become part of the Wizards Of The Coast team and is currently working on the WotC Sideboard located at

The Final Destination

So, it’s Sunday afternoon. We’re getting ready to head back to Virginia. Unfortunately, our flight is at 10:30 pm, and it’s 4. We decide to hit a movie, then have dinner (not expecting much in the way of airplane food). After having been subjected to Beyond the Mat (not much of a wrestling fan, here….

What Time Is It?

Wow. What a weekend. As you may or may not know, and I went to the Wizards of the Coast Tournament Organizers’ meeting, in Renton, Washington. While I’m not at liberty to discuss specifics from the conference, let me just say that it was a wonderfully run event – I’d like to thank Scott Larabee,…

Ye Olde Inquisition

Mmm… Sobe. wasn’t kidding. This stuff is AMAZING. I love it. You should try it. It’s like Snapple on crack. Plus, it’s a lot healthier and tastier than a soda. My favorite flavors: Fuel (Strawberry), Energy (Citrus), (Orange-like), Wisdom (Mango), Drive (Fruit Punchy). And the caps say cool things, like Sobe Wan Kenobi and Sobemon….

Friday Night Magic, Why It Rocks!

The gunfighter walks into town, cocky. For some reason, gunfighters never seem to ride into town. He strides in from the dusty wasteland, proudly, fingering his meticulously shined pistols, itchy. Itching for someone, anyone, to give him an excuse to whip his pearl-handled Smith and Wessons out and blow said person away. After all, that’s…

Alternate Casting Costs Suck!

“I’m going to try this, and see what happens,” I said, trying to sound confident.“During your End Step, your .” “Ok.” “ your Ramsian Lieutenant.” “Ok.” “ your , with a Squee.” “Ok.” “My turn, untap, get back Squee, draw. Cast on your and (inactive, of course). your Lin Sivvi.” “Ok.” “Cast . Done.” “Ok….


“I’m going to try this, and see what happens,” I said, trying to sound confident.“During your End Step, your .” “Ok.” “ your Ramsian Lieutenant.” “Ok.” “ your , with a Squee.” “Ok.” “My turn, untap, get back Squee, draw. Cast on your and (inactive, of course). your Lin Sivvi.” “Ok.” “Cast . Done.” “Ok….

Ritual Sacrifice

and are banned in Extended. And, I think, they needed to be. Because of them, ultra-accelerated decks are dominating one of the most interesting environments ever. rotated out of Type II, as it was too powerful– giving each color access to a virtual , but the bona fide remained, by virtue of its presence in…


The wait will be an hour and forty minutes,” the hostess told us. looked aghast. We walked out. I said“I told you… everyone in this town goes to Outback on the weekends.” “Yeah. But that’s ridiculous.” And it is. Really. But hey, people are willing to wait for a place like that. Why? Atmosphere. So,…

The Miser’s Cage

So, Saturday night, after enough Magic related activates for one day (is it possible?), a very cute girl and I go out for dinner and a little Philadelphia touring. Eh. Nothing Magic related, really. Very Cute Girl and I have a nice Italian meal, get a room and watch Fight Club. Enough said. She and…

The Philadelphia Paper, Part One

Philadelphia’s a great city, full of Philadelphians (or is it Philapinos?). I had a blast at the Grand Prix, though I spent a good bit of time away from it. called me up a while back, asking if I wanted a free trip to the GP– which I could not refuse, of course. I think…

White Weenie – The Future

Wow. Lin-Sivvi, Defiant Hero is good. The more I look at that card, the more impressed I am at the subtlety of its design, inherent power and three toughness. It’s perfect. She’d totally win the Miss America talent contest. She’s all over the place. Her rebel search ability is smarter than your a-ver-age bear’s. In…

You Can Write About Magic, Part Two

I’d say most Magic players (including myself) have/had attended U.S. public schools and, as such, can probably use all the help they can get, when it comes to writing. If your school was like mine, grammar became a thing of the past as early as seventh grade. Though it is a different subject entirely (one…

You Can Write About Magic, Part One

I just realized something. This February marks the one-year anniversary of this website. Or, at the very least, a year since I started working on it! So, happy birthday, For this special occasion, I thought I’d address a topic that doesn’t get a lot of coverage in the Magic world: how to write a…

Why Nemesis Is Good For Magic

Did you know that the Chinese use the same word for "crisis" as they do for "opportunity?" If you answered "yeah, crisitunity!" score yourself three points. In Magic, I think we’re getting a bit of a crisitunity right now. That crisitunity is better known as Nemesis. When , president of, asked me which Nemesis…

Breaking Down The Metagame: Type II

I love Type II. Um, I guess everyone knows that. I’d like to thank everyone who has signed my petition for a Type II Pro Tour – the response has been better than I imagined. One last time, if you haven’t signed it, please do so. It should be lying around for a little…