AuthorLauren Lee

Lauren Lee (aka Mulldrifting) is's Online Content Coordinator. She manages front-page content, handles both SCG Newsletters, oversees the deck database, and works daily behind the scenes to improve SCG.

Best Articles Of 2012

Online Content Coordinator Lauren Lee reviews all the articles from 2012 and shares a few things you can expect for 2013.

Who Is John Avon? (An Interview)

John Avon is most famous for drawing beautiful basic lands on Magic cards, but what more lies behind the surface of this great artist?

The 6-1-1 Or Better Decks At The Invitational

The decklists that went 6-1-1 or better in the Standard and Legacy portions of the Invitational have been published!

Welcome To Legacy Week!

With a Legacy Grand Prix in Indianapolis and a Legacy Open in Dallas/Fort Worth this weekend, we’re releasing new Legacy articles every day this week!

Greetings From Mulldrifting!

Lauren Lee, aka Mulldrifting, has undergone a transformation of sorts. What’s happening to’s former Copy Editor? Open Series Reports From Around The ‘Net!

Thousands of players are participating in Open Series events, and many of them have posted tournament reports on various websites and blogs. Send us a link to what you wrote, and we’ll post it here!

Battle Royale! Budget Standard

Battle Royale returns! Reigning Battle Royale champ Gavin Verhey is joined by fellow fresh competitors Ben Lundquist, Sean McKeown, and Jason Ford. With a $50 budget, who will win in a Standard death match? Tune in live on Wednesday!

Mulldrifting – The Mythical 40-Person PTQ and Ascension

Friday, December 17th – A funny thing happened this past weekend. I got roped into playing in a PTQ. And by roped, I mean I couldn’t in good conscience pass up a PTQ with less than fifty people in it. Bonus Ascension strategy section!

In Case You Missed It… SCG 11/8/10-11/12/10!

Monday, November 15th – So, Lauren Lee, what happened last week on Well, let me show you!

Today’s Battle Royale Announcement!

Tuesday, November 2nd – This is happening today, my friends. I know! Your day did just get so much better. Don’t miss epic MTGO battles between Gavin Verhey, Max McCall, Todd Anderson, and Matt Sperling.

In Case You Missed It… SCG 10/18/10-10/22/10!

Monday, October 25th – Jeff Cunningham’s articles from two weeks ago and the interview with Mark Rosewater set a precedent for Magic writers. We felt the impact last week when inspiration struck on all fronts.

In Case You Missed It… Week 10/11-10/15 on SCG!

Monday, October 18th – The writing was stepped up a notch last week when Jeff Cunningham and Mark Rosewater lended their expert writing and advice to the front page. Don’t miss these articles!

In Case You Missed It… SCG 10/04/10-10/08/10!

Monday, October 11th – SCG provided you with tons of decklists last week for your States/Provincial Champsionships. Revisit them to prepare for the upcoming Open in Nashville! Leave feedback in the forums on the deck you ran!

Recap of Week 9/27 – 10/1 on SCG!

Monday, October 4th – Join Mulldrifting as she reviews an epic week of set reviews, Scars of Mirrodin Prereleases, and preparation for the 2010’s! If you play Infect or Scroll Thieves this weekend, extra special bonus points for you!!

Recap of Last Week on!

Monday, September 27th – Lauren Lee (a.k.a. Mulldrifting) doesn’t want you to miss any of the action that went down last week! Read her take on the past week’s Premium and best Select articles.