Kevin Jones

AuthorKevin Jones

Kevin "The Daddy" Jones is synonymous with SCG Tour dominance. The winner of Grand Prix Montreal in 2017, Kevin has multiple series trophies, nearly a dozen top 8s, and success in virtually every competitive Magic format. He's made multiple appearances in the SCG Players' Championship for his trouble.

How To Use Dreadhorde Arcanist In All Formats

Is it too soon to think about War of the Spark cards in Legacy? Kevin Jones doesn’t think so! He theorycrafts around Dreadhorde Arcanist in the world of Wastelands before moving on to Modern and Legacy.

All That Glitters: Coming Up Short At GP Tampa And Moving Forward At SCG Cincinnati

Kevin Jones missed earning Gold Pro status at Grand Prix Tampa, but he’s already looking toward a new Magical adventure! Check out the Standard decks he’s considering for SCG Cincinnati!

Interview With The Editor: Kevin Jones

Grand Prix Montreal champion Kevin Jones discusses his winning weekend, the path to dual Pro Tour / SCG Tour success, and more in this interview with SCG Editor Danny West!

Bad Timing Is Everything: How I Punted My Way Into The World Magic Cup

Sometimes you can prepare all you want for Magic and life. Sometimes you can have things perfectly in order. And sometimes you can totally screw all that up and win anyway! Read SCG Tour star Kevin Jones’s unbelievable journey from missing the event he wanted to attend…to finding himself representing America at the World Magic Cup!