
AuthorJohn F. Rizzo

If you seek hardcore technology, complete metagame breakdowns, and detailed deck analysis, read JFR to be severely disappointed. He's all about twisted tech, illogical breakdowns, and shady analysis, with curious grammar, questionable theory, obscure references, and his own brand of ambiguous philosophy thrown in when you weren't looking.

PA States: I’m With Hip-Hop

Mapquest says that Harrisburg is four hours and random minutes from Pittsburgh. Scott Teamann says it’s three and a half hours, so I can pick him up at six on Saturday morning and get there with time to spare, but on Friday night I get a "something’s come up" email. A little bummed I am,…

States: Tech For The Stupid

Look at this: Limited: 1628 Rating 25 Matches 4 Events Team Limited – Trios: 1578 Rating 6 Matches 1 Events Composite: 1585 Points 4 Events Constructed: 1542 Rating 33 Matches 7 Events Say it with me (a la on "Friends") OH MY GOD. Now look at this: 04/29/00 2000 US Regionals Columbus, OH: 367th place…

Epiphany: Might Of Oaks And That Annoying Kid

I’m pretty sure that I remember the EXACT moment when things started to make sense – in the World O’ Magic, at least. It was one little sentence that abruptly molded me into the what-the-hell-kind-of-player/writer-are-you that I am today. "What the hell are you?" -Jack Lemmon, Glengarry Glen Ross It all started during round 1…

PTQ: Tokyo, Akron, Ohio

Can I blame the fact that I suck on Friday the 13th? Preamble, Friday the 13th: I done built some decks, woman! In anticipation of improving my 1-7 record in the (flat as hell) state of Ohio, bought a box of starters and boosters and built mad (as those wacky kids are known to say…

Stigmata And The Cleansing Of Magic

The Stigma… I was recently talking online with Beho (not his real name, though it should be) when he started on about this girl he recently met. I, partly in jest, said "Whatever you do, don’t let her find out that you play Magic!" he responded, perhaps partly jesting as well, (but I doubt it)…

Thirty Minutes With Anthony

Many of you are aware of the enigma that is Anthony”Tony” Boydell… but how many of you really know him? Well, be prepared to find out more than even Yawgmoth Bargained for. (That was a pun, chief.) I sat down with”Tony” in his massive foyer (well, he sat; I was forced to stand; and sternly…

The Pittsburgh Connection

At PTNY, Potato Nation – consisting of , , and Garrulous – were the big winners, splitting sixty grand, while , Andrew Cuneo, and Andrew Johnson of Team Car Acrobatic were the runners up, walking away with a "paltry" ten grand each. And FrigginRizzo ties it all together. How do you tie it all together?…


I readily confess that I have a tendency to shy away from the concrete in my articles. As a bonus, there is virtually no tangible tech. Nor strategy. Random decklists only accompany the even more random tournament reports. There are many reasons that I chose to write of our game in more abstract terms, but…

The Top 20 Reasons I Didn’t Attend A PTQ This Weekend

20. There was no Friggin’ PTQ, damnit! 19. My Universal Net Deck wasn’t ready. 18. Someone had to beat about the head, neck, chest, and breast with discarded Invasion deckboxes at the Prerelease, right? 17. I was answering fan mail. 16. I was hacking computer and inserting random nasty words into every article in his…

Rethinking The Grand Experiment

Prelude: Let’s just say the response from The Grand Experiment was an eye opener. For the heck of it, because it’s actually true, let’s also say that the more "inspired" responses were from people who wholeheartedly did not agree with the scope of the article. Furthermore, we can say that the resulting dialogues were respectful…

The Grand Experiment

I thought it was a good idea. Then I thought again. Then I thought it was a great idea. -Pray tell, what’s this earth-shattering idea ya got there? Well… It is a Grand Experiment of sorts. The ramifications of said experiment have the potential to be felt the world over – from Renton to Antwerp…

Searching For Jamie Wakefield

I have no Magic identity. No place in the Magic Matrix. I have no claim to fame. No team. I’m not a Constructed, Limited, or Draft genius. I have no favorite color. Nor format. No signature card, let alone, deck. Where do I fit in? IS green. IS Magic analysis. IS Magic’s Tiger Woods. Mike…

The Innocence Of Magic

Think back to the first time you played Magic. Do you remember how cool it was? Or how absolutely stupid? I certainly thought it was, without a doubt, the most ridiculous game I had ever encountered. FrigginRizzo: <—Was young once too. It all started on the most boring Saturday ever. My brother-in-law Sean had been…

The Most Broken Tournament Mechanic, Ever

As I get older and, by default, wiser, I find that there are things that really bother me. If I had a craw (maybe I’ll get one for Christmas!), there is definitely one "thing" that would stick in the aforementioned craw more than anything else. As it is, this "thing" just sits in my head…

Some People Never Learn…

PTQ Chicago 8/12 Pittsburgh, PA For the actual tournament report, moonwalk yo’ booty down to where it looks like a tournament report, then return to the top of the page. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. FrigginRizzo: <—Moonwalks on a regular basis. Friday Aug 11. OK, I’m getting sick of red/white. After staring at every red MBC card…