
AuthorJohn Dale Beety

John Dale Beety is the Copy Editor for Star City Games.

What’s Wrong With Uncharted Realms?

Now that we’ve had some time to settle in to Magic’s new primary storytelling methods, we can give it a good critical eye. JDB is the man to do just that in his latest Vorthos offering!

It’s The End Of The (Real) World

JDB can remember the early days when Magic quoted real world literature and depicted real world imagery. Read about the end of the core set era and the next age of Magic storytelling!

Battle For Zendikar Flavor Review

John Dale Beety talks successes and failures in storytelling, new artists making their Magic debut in Battle for Zendikar, and shares some of the best and worst flavor text the new set has to offer!

The Nissa Retcon

Nissa has become a popular character in recent Magic memory, but did you know that everyone’s favorite elf planeswalker started out downright villainous? JDB investigates the Nissa we thought we knew…

Anatomy Of An 0-2 Drop

Magic has a way of teaching life lessons that can be applied in other places – and not just in other games. Join John Dale Beety as he shares some of his hard-won wisdom while foraying out in a new direction and making the best of whatever came his way.

Your Hobby, Your Career

Are you considering what it would take to turn your hobby interest in Magic into a lifelong career? John Dale Beety has some advice for his younger self that he’d like to pass on to you too, then, so you know what lies down that path well enough to consider it.

Why I Care About Jace

Since he was first printed, Jace Beleren has always been almost a stick figure of a planeswalker – left without any real history or character almost as if it was intentional, so that it would be easier to fill that role ourselves. But no more – meet the real Jace!

The Magic Origins Flavor Review

With the set fully spoiled and in our hot little hands this past weekend at the Prerelease, John Dale Beety sifts through Magic Origins to savor the artistry, the story, and the feel of the set in true Vorthosian fashion.

The New Liliana And Jace

John Dale Beety savors the flavor of two powerful planeswalker origin tales, and Magic Origins is absolutely dripping with resonances thanks to the complex emotions portrayed and Wizards’ careful attention to detail.