
AuthorJohn Dale Beety

John Dale Beety is the Copy Editor for Star City Games.

Magic’s Reboots

As Magic approaches its 25th anniversary, it’s staggering how many creative details have accumulated over the years. JDB examines the ways Wizards of the Coast has jettisoned the worst of its storyline past.

American Tropes: If The USA Were Made A Magic Setting

Wizards of the Coast frequently takes parts of non-U.S. cultures for use in Magic’s settings. But what if the shoe were on the other foot? As conspiracy theorists battle robber barons, JDB uses his nation’s past to explore worldbuilding’s potential pitfalls.

The Ixalan Flavor Review

New set, new setting: it’s time for Ixalan’s flavor review! Which debuting artist likely got his break because of a Dinosaur banner? Why are the coins anachronistic? And what creative choice has JDB genuinely furious?

The Language Is Leaving Me

The Ixalan previews have given JDB plenty to think about! While he waits for the full set to write his flavor review, enjoy his meditation on how language and sounds shape perceptions of the plane and its elements!

Commander 2017 Flavor Gems And Unique Art For $100

It’s a flavorful double feature from JDB! He shares his favorite Commander 2017 cards ahead of its Friday release before revealing the unique art experiences you can enjoy on a small budget!

Rooting For The Villain

The Gatewatch were meant to be the main characters and mascots of Magic for years to come. Why, then, have two separate villains gotten cheers for defeating them? JDB breaks down why a creative work can leave audiences rooting for the villain!

Atmosphere And Plot: The Creative Pendulum Swings

Magic’s approach to worldbuilding on cards has ranged from plot-heavy storytelling to pure atmosphere. JDB illustrates how that pendulum has swung!

Magic Characters From A To Z!

Magic storylines confusing you? Ever wonder where the old school characters came from? JDB provides you a new resource for getting to know the game’s incredible lore and history!

The Hour Of Devastation Flavor Roundup

A new set means new artists, new plot elements, and more! There’s only one man for the job of reining it all in! The God-Pharaoh of Magic flavor has returned!


Grand Prix Las Vegas went by in a blur for JDB! In a series of mini-articles, he reflects on the people and happenings that made the event memorable and reveals the answers to the puzzle in his last article!

Presenting A Perplexing Puzzle: “All About Adjectives”

JDB is switching it up! Today he presents a fiendish puzzle based on Magic card names. Fire up that SCG card search, because you’re going to need it!

The Planes Of Modern

Today’s Modern decks contain cards from a mishmash of blocks and settings. JDB breaks down the twelve core planes of Modern-legal sets and matches cards you might see at SCG Baltimore to their worlds!

The Self-Hating Mage: Looking Back At Baral, Chief Of Compliance

Baral, Chief of Compliance was one of Magic’s nastiest, most complicated villains in years! JDB examines the self-hating mage’s story and what made him so compelling.

The Amonkhet Flavor Review

A new set means it’s time for another of JDB’s patented flavor reviews! Which artwork got his thumbs-up? Which flavor text earned his ire? And has he changed his mind about the Invocations?

Masterpiece Meditation

The Amonkhet Invocations are the latest cards in the Masterpiece Series! JDB examines what came before and gives his no-holds-barred take on these additions!