AuthorJohn Dale Beety

John Dale Beety is the Copy Editor for Star City Games.

The Wrong Equation: Lessons Learned from a Failed Solution Deck

I had it. I had the solution to the entire metagame question. Ravager Affinity? Check. Goblins, any style, Patriarch’s Bidding or no? Check. Tooth and Nail? Check. Red/White? Check. All the testing I had done for the past few weeks was about to bear fruit. With none of the major matchups worse than 50% pre-board and none worse than 55% post-board, I was invincible. I would kick tail and take names for the tournament report I would invariably write after my stunning victory.

The Type Two (Tolarian) Academy Awards

Its red carpet may not be very glamorous, but here at the Type Two (Tolarian) Academy Awards, the mechanics are certainly divas this year. Brash and beautifully broken, they’re ready to strut their stuff and do their best to please you, the Type Two player. Hey, was that Madness that just walked by? Er… I, your red carpet rover, am here to announce this year’s nominees for Most Broken Mechanic.

That Deck Is Sick! – My Standard-Legal Infinite Life Deck, And How It Did At States

Getting a 4-3-1 record isn’t exactly a badge of pride…Unless you’re playing with a deck built as a joke.* My roommate had the idea of using a Daru Spiritualist, targeting it with some of the en-Kor gang, and making lots of clerics that were very hard to kill. As it turns out, en-Kors weren’t legal, but Lightning Greaves was, and we could routinely get a trillion life by turn 4.

My Almost All-Land Deck, And How It Did In Serious Play

When I read Pascal Schumacher’s article”Un-Seriously Casual: Searching for the All-Land Deck,” it brought back an amusing memory of a deck I came up with on a bet. A student bet me $50 that I couldn’t win a single match at an Extended tournament with my Seismic Assault deck, which won via twenty-eight cycling lands and Lightning Rift. And the results were surprising…