AuthorDrew Levin

Drew Levin is a tireless researcher whose dedication to studying formats has given him great insight into Legacy, his favorite format. He's a former SCG Open Series grinder with a handful of Top 8s in both Standard and Legacy, a pair of Legacy Grand Prix near-misses, and an Invitational Top 8.

Plumbing The Depths

This week Drew talks about two different Depths decks: Kennen Haas’ Jund Depths from #SCGINDY and SebastianStueckl’s G/B Depths from Magic Online. Check them out before #SCGCOL!

How To Get Into Legacy: The Blue Wasteland Path

Two-time SCG Legacy Open finalist Drew Levin concludes his How To Get Into Legacy series with a guide on how to build to a three-color Delver deck from the ground up.

How To Get Into Legacy: The Black Wasteland Path

In this week’s edition of How To Get Into Legacy, Drew tells you how to go about building your collection to eventually get to three-color black tempo and midrange decks.

How To Get Into Legacy: The Sol Land Path

SCG Invitational Top 8 competitor Drew Levin continues his series on how to get into Legacy with a guide on how to build up to a collection through focusing on Sol land decks.

How To Get Into Legacy: The Lion’s Eye Diamond Path

Today Drew provides you with a roadmap of how to go from a budget-friendly Lion’s Eye Diamond deck to several of Legacy’s more expensive and more popular combo decks.

How To Get Into Legacy, Part 2

Do you want to be able to play in SCG Legacy Opens when the Open Series comes to your area? Then be sure to read the next part of Drew’s series on how to get into the format!

How To Get Into Legacy, Part 1

“How do I get into Legacy?” Two-time Legacy Open finalist Drew Levin begins to answer this common question and asks for your feedback to help him flesh it out in the coming weeks!

Deckbuilding With (& Against) True-Name Nemesis

If you want to be successful in Legacy these days, you need to build your deck with the Nemesis in mind. Drew provides you with a number of options for playing with and against it.

The Road To DC: Miracles

SCG Invitational Top 8 competitor Drew Levin concludes his week of Legacy content leading up to Grand Prix Washington DC this weekend with the deck he’s going to play.

The Road To DC: Your Creature Primer

Leading up to Grand Prix Washington DC this weekend, Drew Levin will be providing in-depth Legacy content every day! Today’s article is all about creature decks.

The Road To DC: Your Midrange Primer

Leading up to Grand Prix Washington DC this weekend, Drew Levin will be providing in-depth Legacy content every day! Today’s article highlights three midrange decks.

The Road To DC: Your Delver Primer

Leading up to Grand Prix Washington DC this weekend, Drew Levin will be providing in-depth Legacy content every day! Today he continues with the three varieties of Delver.

The Road To DC: Your Combo Primer

Leading up to Grand Prix Washington DC this weekend, Drew Levin will be providing in-depth Legacy content every day! Today he starts with the three major combo decks.

Delver Reanimator In Legacy

If you’re looking for a deck to play at SCG Legacy Open: Dallas this weekend, check out two-time SCG Legacy Open finalist Drew Levin’s videos with Delver Reanimator!

The Many Flavors Of Young Frankenstein

Drew looks at an innovative new take on Reanimator played by Todd Anderson at the Star City Games Invitational in Indianapolis this weekend, putting it under the microscope for fine-tuning.