
AuthorDave Meddish

A former computer game designer, Dave is best known for his deck ideas for Standard and Extended and metagame and deck analyses. And, of course, his fabulous good looks.

Psychatog: The Breakdown

How do you beat Dr. Teeth? Dave offers up some answers… But it’s like applying a Band-Aid to a severed limb.

Deeds and Kegs?: Dave’s PTQ: Osaka Report

After our weeks of testing, I’d pretty much set my heart on playing Miracle Gro. Our testing had shown the deck had few flaws or weaknesses – and heck, it was a blast to play.

Extended Musings And Misings

New Orleans:”Donate is king!”
Las Vegas and Curitiba:”The king is dead!”
Sendai:”Donate is king!”
Will someone make up their MINDS?

Ponza: The Breakdown

Dave once again makes a valiant try at making land destruction work in Type 2!

Scrub/Not a Scrub: Dave’s Oregon State Championship Report

Maybe I’ve lost it. I’ve come here on three hours sleep and prove what a scrub I am, and I’m finally going to have to write my”dropping out” article….

White Weenie: The Breakdown

Unfortunately, this one missed the deadline for pre-States, but Dave still takes a look at White Weenie. Y’all know how it did by now.

Opposition: The Breakdown

I’d call Opposition decks”this year’s Fires,” as they’re insanely consistent and have no glaring weaknesses. Either play it or be ready for it.

Bad Deckbuilder’s Corner: Two Post-Odyssey Standard Decks

These two decks are pretty rough but show promise. I won’t go so far to state that I’ll play one of these decks at States, but one never knows.

With All Due Respect to Scott Johns; No, I Suck: Less Than Stellar Times at a PT: New Orleans Qualifier

At this point, I really just want to hang a heavy stone around my neck, wander over to the Morrison Bridge, and just end my misery. Sweet Jeebus, I’m turning into Vern.

Harsh Judgment: My Take on Theron

In the beginning, there was Mike Long. But the DCI was just getting started.

Rocky Mountain Low, Part II: Lessons Learned From Denver

So Dave went 3-4 at GP: Denver. But why? What makes the difference between a Meddish and a Kastle?

Rocky Mountain Low: Dave’s Grand Prix: Denver Report

I’ve traveled over a thousand miles to bust out bad jokes and have Lauren Passmore call me a dork, and I’m thinking, “This is so cool.” And I wonder why I’m still single.

Mmm, Crow!

All right, all right; U/G/R has ONE good deck. But I’ll eat my hat and coat if I see any U/G/R decks in the Top 8 at Denver.

U/G/R: Good or No Good?

I’ll be very, very surprised if someone doesn’t find some way to abuse Obliterate at Denver. Maybe that deck will be U/G/R.

Three Flavors of Blue-Green: Breaking Down the IBC Metagame

Counter and critters? Or, in the case of Mystic Snake, countering critters? Dave explores the possibilities of what may be the strongest color combinations in IBC.