
AuthorDave Meeson

A player, organizer, and writer, Dave Meeson has worn a lot of hats in the Magic world. And now he is adding Dear Azami author to his collection.

Tribal Thriftiness – Turning a New Leaf

Sure, the Faeries are great, and the Elves certainly are powerful in their own right. But no one seems to be talking about the Treefolk, outside of that three-colored fella. Is there a decent deck out there, in the tribe that seems destined to be the budget builder’s favorite?

Tribal Thriftiness – We Are Santa’s Elves

Santa was right to hire Elves – those guys are vicious on the battlefield! Dave explores the budget options in building a competitive Elf tribal deck, and takes a short look at Elf decks (and holidays) past.

Tribal Thriftiness – Budgets Are For Movies and Dads

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Historically, the tribal mechanic has included the ability to make competitive decks without going overly expensive. Lorwyn is no different, and the recent success of the Faeries deck is just the tip of the iceberg of good, inexpensive, and successful Tribal decks that you can build.

[Editor’s Note – Dave will be replacing Chris Romeo until Chris returns… enjoy!]

Onslaught Of Wits!

“Hi, my name is Dave, and I’m a Wits-aholic….”
“Hi, Dave.”
“But back when Battle of Wits occasionally won tournaments, Toby and Brock ran the same number of counterspells: Thirty-six. Are there even nine counters in Standard today that are worth playing? And does that mean that Wits is dead?”

Weapons Of Mass Distraction: Here He Goes Again

TOP TEN CARDS FROM INVASION: A SECOND LOOK Well, Bennie stole my idea. He made a lot of good points in his article earlier this week (link it up, oh Ferretty One), but you know I’m still going to have two cents to throw in. Please note that this is in relevance to Standard only…

Weapons of Mass Distraction: The Process Defined

This week: States and how I want to be like , plus what criteria your deck will need to meet to have any chance this weekend. SWORN TO SECRECY At about this time last year, began a campaign on rec.games.trading-card.magic.strategy to create a brand-new archetype deck to play at States. He posted a primary decklist…