
AuthorDave Meddish

A former computer game designer, Dave is best known for his deck ideas for Standard and Extended and metagame and deck analyses. And, of course, his fabulous good looks.

Extended Musings And Misings

New Orleans:”Donate is king!”
Las Vegas and Curitiba:”The king is dead!”
Sendai:”Donate is king!”
Will someone make up their MINDS?

White Weenie: The Breakdown

Unfortunately, this one missed the deadline for pre-States, but Dave still takes a look at White Weenie. Y’all know how it did by now.

Opposition: The Breakdown

I’d call Opposition decks”this year’s Fires,” as they’re insanely consistent and have no glaring weaknesses. Either play it or be ready for it.

Mmm, Crow!

All right, all right; U/G/R has ONE good deck. But I’ll eat my hat and coat if I see any U/G/R decks in the Top 8 at Denver.

U/G/R: Good or No Good?

I’ll be very, very surprised if someone doesn’t find some way to abuse Obliterate at Denver. Maybe that deck will be U/G/R.