
AuthorDanny West

Gamer, Writer, Survivor, Danny West pioneered the Commander VS video series alongside Wizards of the Coast's own David McDarby. In 2015, he began helping with SCG content after a bout with a serious and rare form of cancer. In between copy editing and helping code and coordinate SCG content, he "works" on a YouTube channel that documents his attempts to play every video game ever made.

Power And Toughness

Danny West returns with some Commander lists inspired by some of the toughest days of his life. Read about his remarkable struggle and see the 100-card decks he’s thinking about bringing along with him to the Commander Celebration at Grand Prix Atlanta!

The Optics Of Magic

Want to be the best in the world? Want to make the right play every time and prove yourself to an excited viewership as you claim your trophy? Is there no way you’d have missed that Eidolon trigger in the finals of a Pro Tour? Read on!

Life Totals

Danny West takes a moment away from a current personal struggle to remind us all of the bigger game we play every day.

Underrated Modern Decks

Looking for something different entirely for the upcoming #SCGINVI in Columbus or Grand Prix Charlotte? Danny West has a number of fair creature decks (and one very unfair deck) that should be in your gauntlet!

A Deck By Any Other Name: The Guide To Naming Magic Decks

Quick and Toast. Balancing Tings. Trix. Magic has had some weird deck names over the years. Fortunately, the increased frequency of Grand Prix, Open Series events, and IQs has stabilized this to a degree, and Danny West is here to fill you in on Magic deck names in the year 2015.

Tucking Away The Invitational

Danny West returns with his thoughts on having a brand new format at The Invitational, some new Legacy tech, and of course, the Commander rules change!

Single Card Spotlight: See The Unwritten

Danny West talks G/W Devotion, graveyard ramp in Commander, and of course, the Tiny Leader that’s going to rule his world! He also has a brew for Standard if you need something different for #SCGDAL!

Be Good At Magic. Be Good At Life.

Danny West takes a break from Single Card Spotlight to bring you an insightful work on the merits of using your Magic skills to become better at your everyday life!

Single Card Spotlight: Treasure Cruise

Just because it’s probably leaving Modern doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it anymore! Danny West returns with a new column that highlights the crazy number of uses we can have with a single card. Welcome aboard the Cruise everybody!

Daily Digest: The Maverick Himself

The #SCGINVI is upon us, and it may seem tempting to rule out the fair decks of the format. But as one popular grinder showed us, Mother of Runes and Thalia may not be as fair as you think…