
AuthorDan Barrett

Dan Barrett is a Magic player of 3.5 years, from London, England. His questionable tournament “successes” include finishing 77/166 and 170/172 at GB Nationals, a PTQ 9th place, winning a 23 player Game Day, getting match wins in one of the three vintage tournaments he has played in, and conceding the finals of a drinking competition. While he clearly won’t be your go-to guy for deep strategy and hot tech, he more than makes up for this with strong opinions on all aspects of the game

Great British Nationals 2011 Report

Dan Barrett has an amusing time at British Nationals, playing football (soccer) with Rich Hagon, running Dredge in a Vintage tournament, and enjoying the company of equals.

GB Nationals 2011 Preview

With a biting wit and incredible use of diction, Dan Barrett gives you a little taste of what will take place at UK Nationals this year…

Getting It Done In 15

Elixir of Immortality and Tome Scour banned on power level? Primeval Titan unplayable? Dan Barrett explains this wacky new format…

Downsizing Made Easy

Dan Barrett dips into the world of trading: When and how should you get rid of the cards you have no need for?

An Arrival, A Departure

Dan Barrett welcomes one new friend and says goodbye to another, with hilarious stories and wacky decklists.

The Pro Plays – Dancing On The Razor’s Edge

There are always lessons to learn from our betters, and Dan Barrett shares things he learned from players like Paul Rietzl, Tom Martell, and Matt Sperling, while observing them in their matches. Sometimes it’s the subtle things.

The Pro Plays – Dancing On The Razor’s Edge

There are always lessons to learn from our betters, and Dan Barrett shares things he learned from players like Paul Rietzl, Tom Martell, and Matt Sperling, while observing them in their matches. Sometimes it’s the subtle things.

The 7 Types Of Misplay

Tuesday, April 19 – Drawing on copious experience, Dan Barrett details the 7 types of misplay and 4 steps you can take to eliminating them from your game.

The 7 Types Of Misplay

Tuesday, April 19 – Drawing on copious experience, Dan Barrett details the 7 types of misplay and 4 steps you can take to eliminating them from your game.