
AuthorChris Lansdell

A podcaster and writer, Chris Lansdell likes to have as much fun as possible at FNM and on the SCG Tour with his weird brews and his lands defiantly in front of his creatures.

Mono-Gideon In Standard And Modern

Gideon is warping minds and metagames! Chris Lansdell is the latest to fall under the protective planeswalker’s spell, and today he’s going mono-Gideon in both Standard and Modern!

Thankful For Preview Season

Chris Lansdell is plenty thankful for Amonkhet previews! What does he think of Archfiend of Ifnir? Oracle’s Vault? And why are the cycling duals the cards he never realized he wanted?

Playing My Own Deck In Standard

Chris went to the near-pinnacle of brewership at Grand Prix New Jersey last weekend. He took his deck, in an impossibly hostile format, and he did things HIS way. And he won a hell of a lot of Magic matches.

The Brewer Mailbag

Chris Lansdell is the most reliable source of brewing insanity in the Magic world! He’s living up to his reputation by finding the most extreme Modern decks the world has to offer him in his latest piece!

Modern Tales From Vancouver

It wouldn’t be a Judging trip for Chris Lansdell without stories and brews to bring back to his readers! He describes the Modern mayhem he saw in Vancouver and builds a brew of his own. Should you shuffle up that Immortal Coil for SCG Indianapolis?

Ridiculous Modern Brews For Baltimore

Brewers gotta brew, and in Chris Lansdell’s case, he has to share others’ decks too! From a Shadowborn Apostle deck that somehow works to an update for Four-Color Planeswalkers, the LAB is open for SCG Baltimore and the burners are all fired up!

More From The Tour!

There were plenty of other interesting (and good) Standard builds lurking just out of sight last weekend. It’s Chris Lansdell’s job to bring them into the spotlight!

The Pro Tour’s Hidden Brews

Mardu may have been at the top of the mixed format event, but there were a lot of very strong showings that were obscured by Limited rounds! Chris Lansdell tweaks on a few here!

The Pro Tour Watch List

Pencils down, says Chris Lansdell! He’s putting the brews on pause as Pro Tour Aether Revolt approaches. What new Standard metagame could the big event in Dublin reveal?

Standard Brew Blitz

Just one Brew Blitz wasn’t enough for Chris Lansdell! Our resident Madcap Experimenter has turned his eccentric eye on Standard. Next time, he’ll tell you what sticks. For now, enjoy the SCG Richmond lists!

Modern Brew Blitz

There’s a relentless brewer in Chris Lansdell that gets triple giddy when a new set is put into his capable Magic hands! Join him for a host of fun Modern brews you can get started on today!