Are You Sure This Isn’t AVR Limited?
After GerryT ruined Standard for Cedric, he’s finally found a deck that makes him want to play the format again: G/R Aggro! Read explanations for the recent changes he made and see his most up-to-date list.
After GerryT ruined Standard for Cedric, he’s finally found a deck that makes him want to play the format again: G/R Aggro! Read explanations for the recent changes he made and see his most up-to-date list.
Cedric Phillips has been friends with Gerry Thompson for years. But after seeing the U/W Delver deck GerryT built and won the trophy with at the SCG Standard Open in Nashville, the current Wolf Run Ramp player has something to say to him.
There are some myths about Wolf Run Ramp in Standard that Cedric Phillips wants to put to rest. Whether you plan to play with Wolf Run Ramp or against it at SCG Open Series: Orlando, this is a must-read!
PT Kyoto Top 8 competitor Cedric Phillips interviews the winner, finalist, and 10th place finisher from SCG Standard Open: Providence to get their thoughts about the tournament. Find out how Avacyn Restored has affected Standard for Madison.
Now that Avacyn Restored is fully spoiled, what cards are you most excited about? Cedric Phillips is here to tell you what he feels are the best cards in each color and why. Prepare for the Prerelease this weekend!
PT Kyoto Top 8 competitor Cedric Phillips has a lot to be excited about: he got fourth at a PTQ last weekend and there are all these sweet, new cards in Avacyn Restored! Consider playing Cedric’s Standard deck at SCG Open Series: Birmingham.
After taking some time off, PT Kyoto Top 8 competitor Cedric Phillips is recommitting to competitive Magic. Read about his unique journey and what inspired his return to the tournament scene.
Tuesday, January 25th – Cedric Phillips took Mythic to second place in an online PTQ and doesn’t feel it’s getting the respect it deserves. Here’s the lowdown on this unsung deck!
Tuesday, December 28th – Cedric sounds off why banning Survival was wrong, and discusses his own retirement!
Friday, November 12th – This story I’m about to tell is one that many don’t know. This is the tournament that got me addicted to competitive Magic.
Wednesday, October 27th – Affinity needed an update with Scars of Mirrodin. And no one expects this deck! Ever! So sleeve it up for this weekend’s Legacy Open in Charlotte.
Monday, October 18th – Cedric Phillips wrote a tournament report from States running the same Mono-Red Deck he wrote about last time. He wouldn’t change a thing! Read how his deck proved a challenge for Control, Ramp, and the mirror!
Thursday, October 7th – For someone who hates red as much as I do, I sure am playing it a lot recently. What if I told you I have a red deck with a good early game, a good mid game, and a good late game?
Thursday, September 30th – Last week, I explained in great detail why the two biggest decks in Legacy were positive matchups for Goblins. Some agreed. Others clearly did not. I decided to put my money where my mouth was.
Friday, September 24th – From my vantage point, it looks like creature decks are really beginning to take over Legacy.
Normally this is where I’d tell you why Belcher is the best to be playing, but I don’t believe that to be true. Shocking, I know!