Eternal Europe – Legacy Experience
Carsten writes another article on evaluating Legacy game states, with different board states for you to examine. Can you figure out the right play?
Carsten writes another article on evaluating Legacy game states, with different board states for you to examine. Can you figure out the right play?
Carsten last wrote that blue decks could be beat in Legacy and that Mental Misstep was not the end all, be all. This week, he shows you the decks to prove it! Try these contenders at SCG Open: Cincinnati.
Today’s article from Carsten Kötter is all about Hive Mind. If you want to either play it or hate it at Baltimore this weekend, Carsten has all the information you need on this Top 8 combo deck.
For those who are complaining about Mental Misstep warping Legacy, fear not. You just need to learn how to beat blue decks! See what Carsten Kotter has to say about the format.
Carsten Kotter gives you the truth about everything (in Legacy). He talks about the 3 major decks, how to play against Standstill, and the sleeper decks and cards. Make the right choice for Providence. Read this for some perspective.
Carsten Kotter gives you the truth about everything (in Legacy). He talks about the 3 major decks, how to play against Standstill, and the sleeper decks and cards. Make the right choice for Providence. Read this for some perspective.
If you want to build your own Ancestral Recall in Legacy, it’s easy with Squadron Hawk! In Standard, Carsten puts Deceiver-Twin in a new shell. If you want to Hawk all weekend in Florida, don’t miss these unique decks.
If you want to build your own Ancestral Recall in Legacy, it’s easy with Squadron Hawk! In Standard, Carsten puts Deceiver-Twin in a new shell. If you want to Hawk all weekend in Florida, don’t miss these unique decks.
Thursday, April 28 – Carsten Kotter reviews the entire Top 16 of SCG Open: Boston, one of the most innovation-filled standings recently. If you’re looking for some new, viable decks to play this weekend in Charlotte, check here!
Thursday, April 28 – Carsten Kotter reviews the entire Top 16 of SCG Open: Boston, one of the most innovation-filled standings recently. If you’re looking for some new, viable decks to play this weekend in Charlotte, check here!
Thursday, March 17 – Legacy is full of Dazes and Stifles and Wastelands these days, so learn to tread the water of Open: Dallas/Fort Worth by reading Carsten’s complete guide to dealing with disruption.
Thursday, March 3 – Carsten Kotter was almost sleep when the idea hit him – a Vintage mana base with almost nothing but artifact mana accelerators – could this be the next big thing in Vintage?
Wednesday, February 16 – Combo-control is an archetype typically only available in Vintage, but Carsten, Eternal deckbuilder, is working on a Legacy version. Check this special High Tide deck out for SCG Open: Washington DC!
Thursday, February 3 – Carsten Kotter, Eternal junkie from Germany, presents three decks he wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole in Legacy and the reasons why! Read this and avoid running subpar decks at the SCG Open in Indianapolis!
Monday, January 31 – Last time, Carsten Kotter (SCG Talent Search competitor) introduced the deck CAB Jace to the world. If you don’t believe its viable, check out Carsten’s matchup guide for full disclosure!