AuthorCarmen Handy

Whether it's casting SCG Tour events or coaching up-and-coming players, Magic is on Carmen's brain 24/7. With theory-driven and introspective articles comprising a majority of her work, Carmen has established herself as an essential writer for those looking to take their game to the next level.

Cheating On Mana Costs

When the most dangerous decks in Modern are all about skimping on printed mana costs or paying life or cascading, you’d better be ready for some fast hostility! Emma Handy talks about the many ways to get under traditional mana curves at Grand Prix Las Vegas this weekend!

Reactions To Announcement Week Day 2: Decks To Play In Post-Marvel Standard

Say goodbye to infuriating play patterns, everyone! Marvel is going, going, gone! Emma Handy stops in to talk about the impact on the format, the decks you should definitely be looking to beat now, and where Modern is now that Death’s Shadow is safe!

Adapting To A New Deck

Got the new-deck blues? Emma Handy is here to help! Most players have trouble switching between decks and archetypes, but advice from an SCG Tour standout who’s planning on playing something new at SCG Charlotte is just a click away!

Shadow Of Doubt

Impostor syndrome can hit anyone, but why suffer when you can keep the fear at bay one Goblin Charbelcher activation at a time? Emma Handy shares her insights from SCG Louisville and how they can apply to SCG Baltimore!

Do Or Do Not: There Is No Try. In Modern.

Who is playing for your Modern squad at SCG Louisville? Whoever they are, they need to read this! Emma Handy has priceless advice for people looking to attack the format (or combo it…) this weekend!

Filling Roles In Your Deck Construction

Wonder why Emma Handy’s Jeskai Control deck has a lot of ones and twos instead of streamlined playsets? It’s the nuance of deck construction, and her article this week gives plenty of understanding that could really up your game for SCG Louisville!

A Week With Magic

Emma Handy serves up a slice of the grinder life from one of the most tumultuous weeks in tournament Magic’s history as she traces her team’s deckbuilding journey from Four-Color Saheeli to her well-earned Top 32 finish with Jeskai Control at SCG Atlanta!

Play More Lands

Play more lands.
No, seriously. Play more lands.
Don’t make Emma Handy bust out the hypergeometric calculator ahead of SCG Atlanta!

Netdecks And Chill

Emma Handy has a thousand decks ready to tune on her way to SCG Atlanta! Amonkhet Standard’s big debut is coming up fast, and Emma wants your ideas! Check out her latest builds and share yours!

The Living End, As Foretold

Emma Handy sees plenty of possibilities with As Foretold in Modern! How will that card — and another Amonkhet standout — transform the way Living End is built and played?

How To Play Prowess At SCG Worcester

This deck just keeps growing and growing and growing! SCG Worcester promises to be a ton of fun, so show your prowess with this increasingly popular archetype!

Tips And Tricks For Proper Land Sequencing

Nonbasic lands require nonbasic skills! Emma Handy has your guide to playing lands in the proper order, how to make the most of fetchlands, and much more!

Facts Of The Grind

Grinding Magic tournaments isn’t all fun and games, but some of the perks are real, too! Emma Handy offers her insights from more than a year of playing on The SCG Tour. Got questions? She’s here to help!

Selecting 3 Different Modern Decks For Grand Prix San Antonio

Team Unified Constructed is an unusual format, to say the least! If you’re making the trip to San Antonio alongside two teammates for Unified Modern, Emma Handy has the tips and tricks you need to make the weekend a success!

Winning Games You’ve Lost

The prognosis is grim, but is the game really lost? Emma Handy shows when games are truly lost and how to fight back when victory is still within reach, including a recent on-camera example from SCG Baltimore!