AuthorCarmen Handy

Whether it's casting SCG Tour events or coaching up-and-coming players, Magic is on Carmen's brain 24/7. With theory-driven and introspective articles comprising a majority of her work, Carmen has established herself as an essential writer for those looking to take their game to the next level.

The Lessons Nobody Wants To Teach

In her farewell article for Star City Games, Carmen Handy offers three difficult lessons for Magic and life. Good luck at Wizards of the Coast, Emma!

Six Lessons From The Queen’s Gambit For Leveling Up Your Magic Game

The Queen’s Gambit is great viewing, but can it make you better at Magic? Carmen Handy highlights six key lessons from the show.

7 Decklists To Jumpstart Kaladesh Remastered Historic

With Kaladesh Remastered coming to Historic, a shake-up is in store. Carmen Handy has a full grip of decks poised to win right away.

Not Gruul Adventures? Then Die!

Is Gruul Adventures poised for a comeback? Carmen Handy showcases her latest list and shares sideboarding principles.

How to Fight Yorion Fights In Zendikar Rising Standard

What is the best way to fight a Yorion-on-Yorion matchup? Grand Finals Top 8 competitor Carmen Handy outlines three approaches.

With Omnath Banned, Is Zendikar Rising Standard Now Yorion’s Yard?

Is Yorion, Sky Nomad a must-use card in Zendikar Rising Standard? World Champion PVDDR and six more SCG creators say what they’d play.

The 3 Key Planeswalker Roles In Post-Ban Zendikar Rising Standard

Planeswalkers have returned to relevance in Zendikar Rising Standard. Grand Finals Top 8 player Carmen Handy lays out the three key roles they can play.

Did WotC Fix Standard And Historic With Today’s B&R Announcement?

Will a triple banning put Standard right? Andrew Elenbogen, Ari Lax, and Grand Finals Top 8 competitor Carmen Handy weigh in on Omnath and friends.

How My Testing Group Came To Gruul Adventures In Standard For Grand Finals

Grand Finals competitor Carmen Handy traces the Zendikar Rising Standard journey that led three members of the team to register Gruul Adventures.

Is Historic The Next Format Omnath, Locus Of Creation Is Going To Dominate?

What’s the right Historic deck for Grand Finals weekend? Competitors Autumn Burchett and Carmen Handy plus six more SCG creators say what they’d play.

Is Rakdos Arcanist The Deck To Beat In Historic?

What’s the deck to play in Historic? World Champion PVDDR and six more SCG creators say what they’d play.

Introducing Four-Color Adventures To Zendikar Rising Standard

Four-Color Ramp meets Adventures decks in Rivals League member Carmen Handy’s latest Zendikar Rising Standard list.

Is Dimir Mill The Real Deal In Modern?

Mill, Belcher…is this even Modern? With Zendikar Rising, it sure is. Seven SCG creators give their picks for a shaken-up format.

Don’t Ever Take Sides Against The Gob: How I Got 9th At The Mythic Invitational With Goblins

Carmen Handy qualified for the 2020 Season Grand Finals with Goblins at the Mythic Invitational. She breaks down her 75 and the key Historic matchups.

Is Phyrexian Tower The Most Broken Card To Build Around In Historic?

What We’d Play goes big for Historic! Ten SCG creators give their picks for the deck to run in the SCG Tour Championship Qualifier and beyond.