AuthorBrian Braun-Duin

Brian Braun-Duin is one of the most well-known Magic pros in the game today. His notable successes include two Grand Prix wins, four SCG Invitational Top 8s, a host of SCG Open Top 8s, and multiple PTQ wins. He strives to make Squire a respected card in Legacy and Modern.

All Hail Reanimator’s Glorious Return

Brian Braun-Duin had a weekend off from gaming, so he thought he’d relax… yeah, right. Instead he built a Junk Reanimator deck and jammed games till the deck was finely honed… and here are his results.

Jund Monsters In Standard

In this week’s Magic Online videos, BBD pilots Jund Monsters through a Daily Event. Watch to see if you should consider taking the deck to the SCG Standard Open in Dallas, Texas.

BBD vs. CVM: B/W Midrange vs. B/U Heroes

Prepare for Standard at #SCGMKE by watching CVM try out a new deck against BBD with an old standby.

Stories From Charlotte

Brian Braun-Duin shares some stories from his rollercoaster of a time at #SCGINVI, where he made Top 16 of the Invitational and locked up a spot in the SCG Players’ Championship.

B/R Devotion In Standard

Watch four-time SCG Invitational Top 8 competitor Brian Braun-Duin try B/R Devotion in Standard to see if you should do the same at SCG Open Series: Milwaukee this weekend.


Brian Braun-Duin tells you about his ups and downs with B/W Midrange at Grand Prix Cincinnati and why he might stick with it for the SCG Invitational in Charlotte this weekend.

B/W Midrange In Standard

Considering playing B/W Midrange at SCG Open Series: Charlotte featuring the Invitational this weekend? Then be sure to take a look at BBD’s Magic Online videos with it!

BBD vs. CVM: G/B Dredge vs. B/R Midrange

Get some ideas for SCG Standard Open: Los Angeles this weekend by watching this BBD vs. CVM!

Twelve Temple

If you’re looking for a deck to play in Standard at SCG Open Series: Los Angeles this weekend, Grand Prix Louisville winner Brian Braun-Duin highly recommends Esper Control.

Esper Control In Standard

Check out BBD’s first Premium Magic Online videos, where you can watch him battle through four rounds with Esper Control to see if you should play it in Standard at #SCGLA!

BBD vs. CVM: B/W Midrange vs. Mono-Red Aggro

Prepare for SCG Open Series: Seattle this weekend by watching CVM and BBD play with two established Standard decks!

Monsters & Miracles

Brian Braun-Duin regales us with the tale of his weekend at SCG Open Series: Atlanta, where he found his way to the top of the leaderboard for the Players’ Championship.

BBD vs. CVM: Mono-Black Aggro vs. Jund Monsters

Get some ideas for Standard this weekend at SCG Open Series: Atlanta by watching this episode of BBD vs. CVM!

Six Months

Prepare for Modern at Grand Prix Richmond as four-time SCG Invitational Top 8 competitor Brian Braun-Duin reflects on his performance at Pro Tour Born of the Gods last weekend.

BBD vs. CVM: Bant Walkers vs. B/W Midrange

Check out the latest BBD vs. CVM to prepare to play Standard at SCG Open Series: Atlanta!