AuthorAutumn Burchett

Autumn Burchett is a London-based Platinum pro who won the Mythic Championship in Cleveland in 2019. Additionally they are the back-to-back English National Champion, and are qualified for the 2019 Magic Online Championship.

The Ultimate Guide To Golgari Midrange

Autumn worked tirelessly to get a list that would prove successful. The result? A top 20 finish at the Pro Tour! Matchups, sideboarding guide, and more will help you crush it at SCG Vegas this weekend!

Winning Nationals With B/U Midrange

Autumn metagamed perfectly and was rewarded with their second National title! So how did they know to play this deck? Get their full rundown and sideboard guide before SCG Baltimore’s Standard Classic!

We Now Know The New Legacy Metagame

Autumn spent her Pro Tour battling in Legacy! As such, she’s one of the few to get a taste of a PT-level Legacy meta! So what decks did she see? And what is going to dominate the format now?

Assembling Tron

There are a lot of ways to put together a Tron deck, as evidenced by the immense amount of results at big events! Autumn compares these recent lists and uses them to put together her pick for the current best Modern build!

Esper Control At Pro Tour Dominaria

Amid a sea of Goblin Chainwhirlers, Autumn Burchett posted a solid 7-3 record with Esper Control! Get her insights ahead of the Standard events at SCG CON!

What You’re Really Losing To In Standard

Having some trouble with Standard? Can’t get your deck off the ground? Autumn provides an excellent way to understand what’s going wrong…and what you need to do to make it right!

Playing U/W Control In Dominaria Standard

Creatures? No thanks. Autumn would rather dominate by taking them out! Get her guide to piloting this new major archetype before SCG Baltimore!