AuthorAri Lax

Ari Lax has been a Pro Tour mainstay for nearly the last decade. Over that time he has accumulated nine Grand Prix top eights and won Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir in 2014. Despite a long time affinity for combo decks, he approaches the game in methodical fashion, always looking for decks that play better than he does and make winning easy.

Dominaria’s Judgment: Modern Monkey Business

Join Dom Harvey and Ari Lax as they discuss the various Modern decks utilizing Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer; the incentives to play each one; and how to best leverage the mythic rare Monkey.

Five Lies You Believe About Magic Strategy

Sometimes the truisms of playing Magic just aren’t true. Ari Lax shares five lies you believe about winning at MTG and how to dispel them.

Dominaria’s Judgment: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Results Roundup

Join Dom Harvey and Ari Lax as they discuss the standout decklists from Magic Online results plus the two Modern 10Ks at SCG CON Philadelphia

Finding A Home For Tameshi, Reality Architect Combos In Modern

Tameshi, Reality Architect offers great potential for MTG combo fans. Ari Lax dives into two possible applications for the Kamigawa, Neon Dynasty card in Modern.

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty First Impressions: Modern

Which Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty cards have the best chance of making a mark in Modern MTG? Four SCG creators give their First Impressions of the set.

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty First Impressions: Pioneer

Will Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty make a splash in Pioneer? Three SCG creators give their Top 5 cards from the new MTG set, from flashy mythic rares to unassuming lands.

The Top 5 Modern Artifact Packages To Watch With Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty

Which Modern MTG cards can make the most of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty’s artifacts? Ari Lax shares his Top 5 packages of artifact-oriented cards to consider.

Dominaria’s Judgment: Top 8 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Cards for Modern

Join Dom Harvey and Ari Lax as they recap Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty and discuss their Top 8 cards for Modern.

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty First Impressions: Standard

Which Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty cards might give Standard new life? Five SCG creators kick off a week of First Impressions of the new MTG set.

Seeing What’s Up Next With The Reality Chip

The Reality Chip brims with potential in MTG’s bigger formats. Ari Lax puts the Equipment Jellyfish to use in Modern, Pioneer, and Historic decks.

Dominaria’s Judgment: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Preview Review

Dom Harvey and Ari Lax discuss an impressive roster of potential Modern players previewed from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty.

Michiko’s Reign Of Truth Is MTG’s Newest Cranial Plating

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty previews have Ari Lax in brewing mode with the new MTG set. See how he uses Michiko’s Reign of Truth in Modern, Pioneer, and Historic.

Dominaria’s Judgment: Modern Grievance Airing

With no Modern bans on Tuesday, Dom Harvey and Ari Lax review the cards that have been deemed problematic in Modern, along with what their actual impacts are.

Innistrad: Crimson Vow Exit Interview: Modern

The Innistrad: Crimson Vow Exit Interviews wrap up with Modern. Which cards wound up making an impact in the powerful and popular MTG format?

Innistrad: Crimson Vow Exit Interview: Historic

The Innistrad: Crimson Vow Exit Interviews continue with Historic. Which cards carried over from our MTG experts’ lists, and which surprised them?