
AuthorAdrian Sullivan

Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir semifinalist Adrian Sullivan is considered one of the most influential writers and players in Magic history. Voted one of the Top 20 deckbuilders of all time by his Pro Tour peers, his decks have appeared in the Top 8 of major events for almost 20 years.

Sullivan Library – The Best Deck

Make plans to join us at SCG 5K Dallas!
Tuesday, August 18th – One question we all face when preparing for a given tournament is this: why not play the best deck? Today’s Sullivan Library attempts to answer this eternal conundrum, and offers advice on the times when playing the best deck is not necessarily the correct thing to do…

Sullivan Library – The Waning Days of Standard

Make plans to join us at SCG 5K Dallas!
Tuesday, August 11th – Standard has had a long time in the sun, but with a plethora of PTQs on the horizon, plus the StarCityGames.com $5000 Standard Open in Dallas, the metagame is still vibrant. Adrian Sullivan examines the Top 8 from a local PTQ, including a few decks that are somewhat off the radar.

Sullivan Library – The Roguest Good Deck in Standard (and Two More Lists)

Come to the StarCityGames.com $5K in Dallas!
Tuesday, August 4th – Adrian Sullivan swam into Nationals in the wake of the littlest fish. However, as Merfolk didn’t manage to propel him very far in the tournament proper, he cast his net wide in search for something fresh. Today, he presents a couple of exciting lists, including one rogue build that looks like a total blast to play…

Sullivan Library – Synergy versus Power: Understanding Five-Color versus Faeries after U.S. Nationals

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at GP: Boston!
Tuesday, July 28th – Adrian Sullivan’s Nationals was a mixed bag of highs and lows. After a sterling performance that qualified him via Grinders, the wheels fell off early on in the tournament proper. Of course, with the Top 8 containing the full complement of 32 Great Sable Stags, Adrian has plenty to say about the metagame…

Sullivan Library – The Decks of M10 Standard

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Nationals!
Wednesday, July 22nd – Adrian Sullivan, like other players looking toward U.S. Nationals this weekend, has trawled the successful lists from Japan, Australia, Singapore, and more. He talks turkey about the decks that caught his eye, and suggest avenues of attack with which to attack the current metagame.

Sullivan Library – Standard M10 Red

Read Adrian Sullivan every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, July 14th – Lightning Bolt. Ball Lightning. Both are back in M10, and both promise much to kick-start the Red Menace into true Tier 1 status. Today’s Sullivan Library sees Adrian examine various Red archetypes from a number of angles, including Goblin, Elementals, and more!

Sullivan Library – M10’s Losses and Standard

Read Adrian Sullivan every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, July 7th – With the Standard metagame due to shift under the weight of M10, Adrian Sullivan examines exactly what the current strong contenders are set to lose. He also suggests how some of the more impacted decks are likely to adapt… Invaluable advice as the Nationals season continues apace.

Sullivan Library – Pounds and Pounds of Decklists: Standard After the MN $5K

Read Adrian Sullivan every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Wednesday, July 1st – With last weekend’s StarCityGames.com Minnesota $5000 Standard Open now in the books, Adrian Sullivan examines the statistics behind the high-performing decks and archetypes. He also tells us the best decks to play in the coming weeks, and shares some interesting fringe decks for those looking for something different…

Sullivan Library – Reflections from PTQ Indianapolis

Read Adrian Sullivan every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, June 23rd – Adrian Sullivan is in a reflective mood. With the Standard PTQ season continuing apace, coupled with the StarCityGames.com $5000 Standard Open series, it seems that preparation is the key to ultimate success. Adrian contemplates the nature of preparation, and shares a few ideas to help us reach that ephemeral next level…

Sullivan Library – On M10, Combat, and Rule 5

Tuesday, June 16th – Adrian, with the help of Eric “Danger” Taylor, has some interesting thoughts on the M10 Changes…

Sullivan Library – Data Mining the ‘Lulu (and Other Pleasantries)

Read Adrian Sullivan every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, June 16th – With split-format Pro Tours, it is difficult to truly gauge the strongest contenders in any given Constructed portion. Thankfully, Adrian Sullivan is here to help! He data-mines the statistics coming from the Honolulu tournament floor, and examines the Constructed Top 8 decks. Enjoy!

Sullivan Library – 2C5C: The Two-Color/Five-Color Shards Draft

Read Adrian Sullivan every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, June 9th – Adrian Sullivan believes he’s uncovered the solution to drafting Shards/Conflux/Reborn: The Two-Color/Five-Color archetype! Today’s Sullivan Library sees Adrian examine the strategy in depth, with a full walkthrough and some interesting choices. Enjoy!

Sullivan Library – The Fear and Deckbuilding

Read Adrian Sullivan every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Tuesday, June 2nd – In today’s edition of Sullivan Library, Adrian looks at some of the fundamental truths of deckbuilding, and how to avoid The Fear. By revisiting some great articles from our game’s history, he shows us that in order to excel, we must be prepared to do the work… and trust our results.
[Editor’s Note: The Grand Prix and Pro Tour scheduling means that Sam Black’s article will appear later in the week. Stay tuned!]

Sullivan Library – Amalgamated Swans for Standard

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Prix Seattle!
Tuesday, May 26th – With Barcelona gone and Seattle looming large, it seems the breakout Standard deck runs over forty lands… That’s right, Seismic Swans Combo is here to stay. Adrian Sullivan examines the various builds that succeeded at the Spanish Grand Prix, and suggests a useful amalgamated list for testing purposes.

Sullivan Library – The Chicago Regionals: Examining 270 Decklists

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Prix Seattle!
Tuesday, May 19th – For Regionals this past weekend, Adrian Sullivan audibled into Turbo-Fog at the last moment. Sadly, it didn’t work this time. However, it did mean that Adrian had the time to prepare considerable analysis on the 270-deck metagame makeup from the Chigaco tournament. There’s also an interview with the winner!