
AuthorAdrian Sullivan

Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir semifinalist Adrian Sullivan is considered one of the most influential writers and players in Magic history. Voted one of the Top 20 deckbuilders of all time by his Pro Tour peers, his decks have appeared in the Top 8 of major events for almost 20 years.

A Radical Experiment in Sphinx’s Revelation

The radically shifted Journey into Nyx Standard metagame has endangered Adrian Sullivan’s beloved U/W Control! Today he takes extreme measures to keep the deck viable for upcoming tournaments such as #SCGINDY!

Red Deck Wins in Modern

What is finer than burning faces and smashing lands? After #SCGStates Adrian remembers his own history with Red Deck Wins in State Championships past and presents a port of the deck to Modern!

Modern and Standard After Grand Prix Minnesota

Adrian Sullivan had a busy Grand Prix weekend in Minnesota! Get his inside scoop on the Planes Talkers panel, Modern, and the Naya Aggro deck he played in Super Sunday Standard with revisions for #SCGSTATES!

U/W After Cincy and Cruel Control in Modern

Adrian Sullivan has Minneapolis and Modern on his mind! But first, he takes on Standard U/W Control in the wake of the #SCGCIN results before weighing in with his Cruel Control build for #GPMINN.

Understanding Turbo: Dictate Of Kruphix

Learn about what playing with Dictate of Kruphix in your Standard deck means you have to consider during deckbuilding by reading Adrian’s latest article.

Devotion To Nyx

Two-time SCG Standard Open Top 4 competitor Adrian Sullivan takes a look at Journey into Nyx to see what new cards Standard devotion decks might gain!

Two Weeks, Five Standard Decks To Win With

If you’re looking for a Standard deck to play at SCG Open Series: Detroit this weekend, Adrian’s got five different suggestions for you to choose from!

How To Learn To Love The Fun-Of One-Of

Hot off of a second-place finish this weekend at the Milwaukee Standard Open, Adrian analyzes the game theory behind selecting singletons for your deck and the rational deckbuilding decisions that come with late-game inevitability.

Successful Rogue Decks In Legacy

If you need some ideas for SCG Legacy Open: Milwaukee this weekend, check out Grand Prix Memphis Top 8 competitor Adrian Sullivan’s latest article.

U/W Control & R/W Aggro After #GPCincy

If you’re looking for a Standard deck to play at SCG Open Series: Charlotte featuring the Invitational this weekend, Adrian has two suggestions for you!

Reverse Engineering RUG Monsters

Want to play something a little different this weekend at SCG Standard Open: Los Angeles? Then be sure to take a look at Adrian’s list of RUG Monsters!

The Return Of BluManji

This week Adrian Sullivan tells you about the G/U Vengevine deck he’s been working on in Modern and why he thinks now is the right time to play it.

Breaking Obliterator Rock

Looking for a powerful Modern midrange deck to play this weekend at Grand Prix Richmond? Adrian heartily recommends his version of B/G Midrange.

Data Mining For Modern In Valencia

Find out what the Modern metagame might look like at Grand Prix Richmond next weekend as Adrian Sullivan analyzes the data from Pro Tour Born of the Gods.

Death & Taxes vs. True-Name Nemesis

If you’re interested in playing Death and Taxes this weekend at SCG Legacy Open: St. Louis, be sure to read Adrian’s latest article about the deck.