Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 68 – Err & Foresight

Did R&D make a mistake in allowing the pieces to come together to create the current Standard? Joey and Bigheadjoe discuss the results of the SCG Invitational… listen in!

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Show notes:

…this is the worst we’ve screwed up since Mirrodin.” —Aaron

Did R&D make a mistake in allowing the pieces to come together to create the current Standard? Joey and Bigheadjoe discuss the results of the
SCG Invitational, and then—spurred on by a tweet from Aaron Forsythe—decide to look ahead at what Standard might look like if something is banned
at the end of the month.

Grand Prix Singapore Coverage

SCG Season 1 Invitational & Open Series Coverage

Sam Stoddard “The Importance of Randomness in Magic”

Brian Kibler Tezzeret Aggro Deck

Changes to the SCG Player’s Club

Featuring music by Tha Gatherin’

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