
Video: Jeskai Thopter Cruise In Legacy!

Drew Levin knows you need more Legacy in your life. That’s why he’s decided to record this insanely sweet deck doing what it does!

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

I’m convinced that this deck has what it takes to succeed in Legacy. It plays Treasure Cruise, it Cruises harder than any other Cruise deck, and it’s set up to fight Cruise mirrors better than any other Cruise deck. It has a phenomenal anti-aggro plan (if you wanted, you could play more Bolts, but there’s no point), a great anti-combo sideboard plan, and a near-invulnerability to any board control strategy. The manabase works well with Thopter Foundry and all of the blue cantrips. Basically, it’s a consistent blue control deck in Legacy.

With that said, Slice and Dice is probably on the cutting board. It’s not great against Deathrite Shaman and Delver of Secrets, and I’m not sure where Slice and Dice is supposed to be good if you’re not consistently blowing up their one-drops. In Round 4, Supreme Verdict would have been a huge upgrade against True-Name Nemesis and Tarmogoyf. That shift seems easy to make.

From there, I’d want to find room for a third Snapcaster somewhere. The card is just unbelievably good in this deck. If your metagame isn’t so blue-slanted, you could cut a Pyroblast from the maindeck and the second Hydroblast from the sideboard to make room in that manner. Regardless, I unreservedly endorse this for anyone who has ever loved the power of raw card draw and the feeling of having seven cards to their opponent’s empty hand. It’s a delightful feeling, and ThopterCruise brings it back in the best of ways.