In the SCG $5K Standard Open St. Louis yesterday, Jund was clearly the weapon of choice, with 74 decklists… but it was Red Aggro that ruled the day and faced off in the finals. It looks like there are a few more decks in the discussion, but Jund is still the elephant in the room.
You will notice some additions and changes to the TMI Spreadsheet, and I would like to thank Aaron Stevenson for his Excel Savvy suggestions. I hope that the “Results by Player” sheet helps you track your friends’ performances and flesh out some tournament reports. Also, the most exciting change is the layout of the top decklists to be completely searchable by card. Enjoy!
St. Louis Standard Spreadsheet
The deck that I want to feature today is what I consider the highest finishing “Rogue” list. The Runeflare Trap lists have been around for a while, showing up in Charlotte and Philadelphia in low numbers, but not making much of an impact. David Blankenship rode the deck to a 6-3 finish and the best tie breakers of any player with 18 points, but most impressive was his 2-0 record against Jund and Knightfall. Here’s the list:
Spells (33)
- 4 Lightning Bolt
- 4 Time Warp
- 4 Howling Mine
- 4 Unsummon
- 4 Twincast
- 4 Font of Mythos
- 4 Runeflare Trap
- 3 Spell Pierce
- 2 Whiplash Trap

Round 1 Result: Defeated Knightfall, 2-0
Round 2 Result: Defeated Jund, 2-1
Round 3 Result: Lost to Mono Red Aggro, 1-2
Round 4 Result: Defeated 4 Color Seas, 2-1
Round 5 Result: Defeated White Weenie, 2-0
Round 6 Result: Defeated Jund, 2-0
Round 7 Result: Lost to Mono Red Aggro, 0-2
Round 8 Result: Defeated Knightfall, 2-1
Round 9 Result: Lost to Naya, 1-2
One concern is the 0-2 record against Mono Red Aggro, especially with the burn deck’s strong showing this weekend, but it looks like Runeflare Trap may have more legs than people thought. The next time someone plays a Howling Mine against you, you might not have to expect Turbofog.
Let me know in the forums if you like the changes!