
The Magic Show Special Edition – From The Vault: Relics Revealed!

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Thursday, April 1st – Hello everybody, and welcome to a very special edition of The Magic Show. Thanks to some serious undercover work, I’ve got the exclusive list for From the Vault: Relics! Every card in this incredible set is spoiled, and I’m sure you’re ready to hear what’s in it. Let’s go!

Hello everybody, and welcome to a very special edition of The Magic Show. Thanks to some serious undercover work, I’ve got the exclusive list for From the Vault: Relics! Every card in this incredible set is spoiled, and I’m sure you’re ready to hear what’s in it. Let’s go!

FTV: Relics FTW!

So the other day I was sitting down on a park bench when a little birdie sat down beside me.

“Hey,” he says. “Got a secret.”

“Oh?” I ask him. “And what is that?”

Then he dropped a piece of paper, and flew away. A the top was scribbled FTV: Relics. And below it was a list in alphabetical order. Skipping the ones we already know, which is Masticore, Karn, Silver Golem, Memory Jar, and Mox Diamond, we have eleven cards to go. Ten of them are reprints, and the last is from Scars of Mirrodin. Unfortunately I only have the names, so I have no idea what the Scars card does. So let’s get to it:

First up is a popular casual card, Akroma’s Memorial. This is an awesome card in fun formats, and I’m excited for its foiling-out, as it were. Up next is the classic Feldon’s Cane, not too exciting, but definitely a winner. This was followed by another powerful-back-in-the-day card, Ivory Tower. The antithesis to Black Vise, it saw a lot of play when it first debuted and rocks in casual with cards like Reliquary Tower. Up next we have the awesome Legacy Weapon. Huzzah, take that permanents! This is proceeded by Lightning Greaves, which I hope features the awesome FNM artwork that debuted last August.

Up next is Oblivion Stone, a card that is virtually an auto-include in every cube and sees a ton of play in EDH. We then have Ornithopter, a card that gets all kinds of love from the casual crowd and has seen lots of play in Affinity as well. Platinum Angel is also getting the From the Vault treatment, and I really hope it gets some sexy new artwork. Not that there’s anything wrong with its existing artwork, but this is From The Vault, and I expect to see some impressive illustration.

With only two cards left, you’d expect them to be good, and they are. Ring of Gix will be in there, a card that doesn’t get near enough love. It’s an Icy Manipulator that hits a turn earlier!

All right, I saved the best for last. Can you say Sol Ring? I knew ya could! This powerhouse artifact, overpowered by every stretch of the imagination, is in there and fingers are crossed it gets some sexy new artwork. This card goes in virtually every EDH stack, every cube that includes power, and has been well-known to warp many a Magic game. This, along with the awesome Mox Diamond, should be more than enough to make this set chase-worthy.

But what about the Scars of Mirrodin card? Well, all I have for you is the name: Oil of Psarl. I’m not sure who Psarl is, and why their Oil is important, or how it is an artifact. But I’m sure you can come up with your own conclusions.

A big thanks to my little birdie for providing all this info. Who would’ve thunk we would’ve gotten all this info so early? Stay tuned folks, I’ll be back tomorrow with some awesome Rise of the Eldrazi spoilers. Until next time Magic players, this is Evan Erwin. Tapping the cards… so you don’t have to!

Evan “misterorange” Erwin
Community Manager, StarCityGames.com