The Definitive Tourney Report, Part IX: Wrapping It All Up. A Plea For Engagement.

More than anything it was the people who made this story, and I think the report makes this clear. From the event staff to the designers to the players to the judges, Magic aficionados both great and small, they’re all part of the great Magic mural, and together comprise a tapestry of vivid color and vital life and enjoyment. The tale of these people is one that deserves to be told, and now I’ve done my small part.

IX. Wrapping It All Up

This has been my story. And now, you’re coming to the end.

With this volume, I set out to write the greatest tournament report of all time. I know I have probably fallen short of my goal, a near-unattainable one anyhow, with the works of Flores and others still readily available, but I did my best. Unlike the competitive portion of Pro Tour Chicago, with this report I was able to live up to my own expectations, and I know that I have written something worthy of the sense of destiny I felt when I sat down at this keyboard in anticipation of something great and good.

More than anything it was the people who made this story, and I think the report makes this clear. From the event staff to the designers to the players to the judges, Magic aficionados both great and small, they’re all part of the great Magic mural, and together comprise a tapestry of vivid color and vital life and enjoyment. The tale of these people is one that deserves to be told, and now I’ve done my small part.

Kai won PT Chicago, to be sure, and I do remember him, but when I think back now I see Adrian Sullivan penny, the eight green disks of Gaming Jim, Justin Gary puzzling over the seven cokes on the bill, I see Mark Rosewater and Josh Bennett and Ben Bleiweiss and Mike Guptil, and I see those men and those events with an even greater clarity.

I encourage anyone who loves Magic to link to this report.

I think everyone who loves Magic should read this report.

Because if you love Magic as I do, then I know you read this with a smile on your face.

Geordie Tait

P.S.: It’s good to be back. If you love Magic, make yourself heard in the article discussion thread for this report – this is the gathering spot for us to celebrate the game and the stories it creates. Wizards employees, I know you’re reading this… Register and say hello. Fellow writers, take a second and chime in with a story, thought or memory. Casual players, make yourself heard. Jaded pros, take a minute to register and remember why you started playing this game. This is the farewell bash for ten years of attacking for two. The forum takes all kinds, the game takes all kinds. And I want to see everyone I know in here with two cents.