SCG Weekend Preview: #SCGSEA

The Open Series is headed to the Pacific Northwest this weekend for two good old-fashioned Magic tournaments in Seattle, Washington!

The Open Series is headed to the Pacific Northwest this weekend for two good old-fashioned Magic tournaments in Seattle, Washington! Now that the Pro Tour is behind us, it’s once again time for the weekly test of fortitude and endurance that our Open Series competitors find so exhilarating. Last weekend in Milwaukee, G/R Monsters defeated Mono-Red Aggro to take the Mountainous menace off of its high perch and prevent it from taking an early lead in the format’s race to become the best deck in the format. But there was another event that wound to a close last Sunday . . .

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the effects last weekend’s Pro Tour will surely have on this weekend’s Open Series, particularly considering how well Team did! You can see all of the updates, videos, and analysis of how #TeamSCG did as well as the week leading up to their eventful Pro Tour on There are many questions that come out of #PTTHS. Is Mono-Blue Devotion the new top dog in Standard? How will Esper and U/W Control keep pace? Will B/W Midrange, R/G Devotion, and Mono-Red Devotion break through? And moving on to Sunday’s tournament, which Theros cards will impact Legacy? Tune in to find out!

The home of Magic: The Gathering at Wizards of the Coast headquarters is only a short drive away in Renton, but the center of competitive Magic this weekend will be half an hour or so away at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center.


Keep in mind, Open Series regulars, that this is not our normal haunt when we visit this particular neck of the woods. Out typical home is in Lynnwood, which is located out in the ‘burbs. This tournament will take place in Tacoma, a bustling and busy business borough. And there are plenty of delicacies to taste along the way, as Tacoma is home to many of the Seattle area’s finest cuisines:

SEA Food

We are also pleased to be joined by a cadre of highly talented artists and alterists while we take up housing in Seattle!

Magic artist Heather Hudson has been painting art for Magic cards for over a decade. Her work appears on notable cards such as Academy Rector, Basking Rootwalla, Cloudstone Curio, Karmic Guide, Scroll Rack, Sculpting Steel, Standstill, Tranquil Thicket, Turnabout, and Wall of Blossoms. Be sure to check out her website.

Magic artist rk post has done some truly iconic pieces like Arbor Elf, Avatar of Woe Faerie Macabre, Ichorid, Morphling, Sakashima the Impostor, Simic Sky Swallower, and Torchling. You can view our interview with rk here.

Magic artist Rob Alexander is returning to the Pacific Northwest to make an appearance at SCG Open Series: Seattle. Famous for his beautiful landscapes, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to get your dual and fetch lands signed or to pick up a print of your favorite original shock-land art. Other notable works include Blood Crypt, Breeding Pool, Watery Grave, Liliana of the Dark Realms, and Contaminated Ground. Make sure to take a look at his webpage.

Xela Shultis, aka Xela the Geek, joins the Open Series to bring her full-art and 3D alterations with her! Check out her work on her Facebook page and see her process on her Youtube channel. Contact Xela at for rates and commissions.

Eric Claar brings his unique style of alters to the Open Series. Known for his minimalist "blueprint" style as well as full-art pieces, you can check out his work on his Facebook page and his deviantART page.

Matthias Hunt and AJ Sacher, aided by Glenn Jones in the Sideboard, will bring all of the action to you on SCGLive! This weekend’s hashtag is #SCGSEA, so you can use that to keep up with the tournament. Follow @SCGLive on Twitter for feature matches and analysis, as well as @SCGPairings for up-to-the-round pairings, standings, and results. You’ll be glad you did!

Good luck, have fun, and cast spells!

Reuben Bresler


Video and Coverage Content Associate and Social Media Wizard for