
SCG $5,000 Open Round 7 Pairings!

See who faces who in the pit of death!

Player Pts Table Opponent Pts
Akeley, Peter L #42 12 23 Lee, James C #30 12
Archer, Joshua #206 6 43 Meucci, Michael #151 6
Ashford, Marshall A #83 15 3 Cottrell, Scott #126 15
Barker, Zach #82 12 25 Williams, David G #100 12
Barrett, Charles J #63 12 20 Peebles-Mundy, Benjamin W #39 12
bennett, wesley #182 12 31 Nighbor, Chris #51 12
bertoncini, alex s #198 18 1 Samson, Daniel #21 18
Bezrukov, Semion S #189 15 9 Winters, John #5 15
Blackman, Brett #48 15 7 Nagy, Stephen J #40 15
Boyd, Jonathan #23 6 44 Seaberry, Steven M #215 6
Carter, Jay S #188 13 13 Snell, Danny R #115 13
Castro-Rappl, Chris R #142 12 26 LaPille, Thomas M #6 12
Cheseldine, Robert J #127 9 39 Soderberg, Ernest #12 9
Cook, Brandon L #37 9 36 Ferguson, Robert #35 9
cope, josh l #216 15 11 Wienburg, Ben E #32 15
Cottrell, Scott #126 15 3 Ashford, Marshall A #83 15
Creech, Lawrence #7 12 21 Russ, Oliver #159 12
Cross, Joshua #60 12 19 Wallace, Chris m #47 12
davis, tim #31 8 41 Ewing, James #99 7
Ewing, James #99 7 41 davis, tim #31 8
Ferguson, Robert #35 9 36 Cook, Brandon L #37 9
Flint, Alec C #92 15 12 Mayer, Kenny S #20 15
Flores, Oscar R #105 12 30 McKeown, Sean P #120 12
fuentes, Calosso L #49 18 2 Kelly, Brian N #55 18
Garcia, Niccolo #124 9 35 Garmon, Daniel #170 9
Garmon, Daniel #170 9 35 Garcia, Niccolo #124 9
Genkins, Daniel N #33 12 24 Wiggs, David #109 12
Gouge, Joe #134 10 33 Piazza, Brett C #17 10
Green, Robert C #97 15 5 Miguel, Andres #38 15
Grevers, Charley H #72 8 42 Rode, Hollie #190 7
Guy, Damion #70 12 16 Sachse, Christian #4 12
Hendrickson, Cecil L #71 12 28 Thompson, Gerry W #2 12
Hensley, Richard A #61 12 27 Kehoe, Kevin #173 12
Homan, Chase E #128 9 38 Lambeth, Jason V #11 9
Izsak, Yoel #225 12 29 Roberts, Nathanial #210 12
Jeltema, Scott #195 15 8 Schneider, Brian #176 15
Jensen, Axel #122 12 22 Makino, Bernie #94 12
Jozsa, Fabian #106 10 32 Runyon, John #175 12
Kehoe, Kevin #173 12 27 Hensley, Richard A #61 12
Kelly, Brian N #55 18 2 fuentes, Calosso L #49 18
Lambeth, Jason V #11 9 38 Homan, Chase E #128 9
LaPille, Thomas M #6 12 26 Castro-Rappl, Chris R #142 12
LaRose, Justin D #41 15 4 Wagaman, Brian #187 15
Lee, James C #30 12 23 Akeley, Peter L #42 12
Leonhardt, Brandon M #81 9 37 Marston, Adam #172 9
Makino, Bernie #94 12 22 Jensen, Axel #122 12
Manley, Ryan #186 3 45 Schneider, John #118 4
Marschall, Philip #26 9 40 Venning, Ross #14 9
Marston, Adam #172 9 37 Leonhardt, Brandon M #81 9
Mayer, Kenny S #20 15 12 Flint, Alec C #92 15
McDermott, Michael #96 12 18 Smith, Cedric #74 12
Mcduffie, Korey M #199 12 17 stein, joshua p #150 12
McKeown, Sean P #120 12 30 Flores, Oscar R #105 12
Meucci, Michael #151 6 43 Archer, Joshua #206 6
Miguel, Andres #38 15 5 Green, Robert C #97 15
Mollenkopf, Tyler #95 13 14 sorrells, joshua l #156 13
Nagy, Stephen J #40 15 7 Blackman, Brett #48 15
Nighbor, Chris #51 12 31 bennett, wesley #182 12
Peebles-Mundy, Benjamin W #39 12 20 Barrett, Charles J #63 12
Piazza, Brett C #17 10 33 Gouge, Joe #134 10
Roberts, Nathanial #210 12 29 Izsak, Yoel #225 12
Rode, Hollie #190 7 42 Grevers, Charley H #72 8
Runyon, John #175 12 32 Jozsa, Fabian #106 10
Russ, Oliver #159 12 21 Creech, Lawrence #7 12
Sachse, Christian #4 12 16 Guy, Damion #70 12
Samson, Daniel #21 18 1 bertoncini, alex s #198 18
Schneider, Brian #176 15 8 Jeltema, Scott #195 15
Schneider, John #118 4 45 Manley, Ryan #186 3
Scott, Anna #45 15 6 Yu, Jarvis K #140 15
Seaberry, Steven M #215 6 44 Boyd, Jonathan #23 6
Sears, Charles L #147 15 10 Seder, Robert D #145 15
Seder, Robert D #145 15 10 Sears, Charles L #147 15
Smith, Cedric #74 12 18 McDermott, Michael #96 12
Snell, Danny R #115 13 13 Carter, Jay S #188 13
Soderberg, Ernest #12 9 39 Cheseldine, Robert J #127 9
sorrells, joshua l #156 13 14 Mollenkopf, Tyler #95 13
stein, joshua p #150 12 17 Mcduffie, Korey M #199 12
Thompson, Gerry W #2 12 28 Hendrickson, Cecil L #71 12
Turbyfill, Jared #98 12 15 Turtenwald, Owen #103 12
Turtenwald, Owen #103 12 15 Turbyfill, Jared #98 12
Venning, Ross #14 9 40 Marschall, Philip #26 9
Wagaman, Brian #187 15 4 LaRose, Justin D #41 15
Wallace, Chris m #47 12 19 Cross, Joshua #60 12
ward, mike #25 9 34 Wenzel, Josh #185 10
Wenzel, Josh #185 10 34 ward, mike #25 9
Wienburg, Ben E #32 15 11 cope, josh l #216 15
Wiggs, David #109 12 24 Genkins, Daniel N #33 12
Williams, David G #100 12 25 Barker, Zach #82 12
Winters, John #5 15 9 Bezrukov, Semion S #189 15
Yu, Jarvis K #140 15 6 Scott, Anna #45 15