
Preview: SCG Open Series: Seattle & World Magic Cup Qualifier: Washington, DC

StarCityGames.com will be on both sides of the country this weekend at SCG Open Series: Seattle and World Magic Cup Qualifier: Washington, DC!

Typically, we discuss the Open Series and the Classic Series in this column, but today we have a little twist on the original. We are still proudly presenting the StarCityGames.com Open Series in Washington state (Seattle to be precise). But in lieu of a Classic Series event this weekend we will also be in Washington, District of Columbia because our nation’s capital is playing host to a World Magic Cup qualifier weekend extravaganza!

Both events will be two-day spectaculars. Seattle will play host to our usual festivities, with Standard and Legacy Opens, SCGLive commentary, and a cavalcade of artists and alterists. Seattle Opens have been known to attract some game designers from local mom-and-pop operations like Wizards of the Coast to watch from time to time. This weekend in Seattle is going to be a lovely time, and if you can get there by boat, train, or plane (or car, I suppose), I would definitely try!

Meanwhile, on the other coast, StarCityGames.com is pleased and excited to present their first World Magic Cup Qualifier, and we’ve turned this event into one of our weekend celebrations as well! With the WMCQ on Saturday and a PTQ for Pro Tour Theros on Sunday, two tickets to exciting European locales will be awarded to the tournament winners of the tournaments—one to Amsterdam for the #MTGWMC and one to Dublin for #PTTHS!

But I’m getting ahead of myself, as I should probably lay out the specifics of our brace of tournaments. Let’s go from left to right, and as a result of being on the Pacific Ocean that means starting with the Open Series. Our event in Seattle will be held in suburban Seattle in the Lynnwood Convention Center

SEA Venue

This is a bit of a trek from the center of Seattle, and traffic in the Emerald City can be tricky so be sure to leave yourself with plenty of time to get from place to place. I would also certainly suggest a visit to Cafe Mox, a gaming-centric bar and restaurant where patrons partake in board games, Magic, and all manner of tabletop recreation in a trendy bar setting. It’s a bit of a trip from the convention center (about half an hour), but if you have a free Friday or Saturday night, it’s highly suggested.

For Sustenance closer to the convention center, there are a few options well within walking distance, and you should have no issue finding something to your liking nearby.

SEA Food

As the home of Magic: The Gathering headquarters, you’d expect several Magic artists and alterists to be local to the area…and you’d be correct! We are lucky to have a few of those talented illustrators and painters to be joining us on our Pacific Northwest jaunt!

Magic Artist Chris Rahn was born in San Francisco and raised in eastern Washington. Since leaving school, Chris has worked with a wide variety of clients including Wizards of the Coast, Discovery Channel Magazine, and the Village Voice and has had work exhibited at the New York Society of Illustrators. You can find his artwork on such notable cards as Searing Spear, Craterhoof Behemoth, and Huntmaster of the Fells. View his blog here.

Magic Artist rk post (all lower case, remember!) has done some truly iconic pieces like Arbor Elf; Ichorid; Morphling; and Sakashima, the Imposter. You can view our interview with rk here. Be sure to visit his official site.

Magic Artist Heather Hudson has been painting art for Magic cards for over a decade, with her work appearing on notable cards such as Academy Rector, Chains of Mephistopheles, Karmic Guide, and Standstill. You can find her on the web here.

We also have a couple of talented alterists joining us in Seattle!

Eric Claar brings his unique style of alters to the StarCityGames.com Open Series. Known for his minimalist “blueprint” style as well as full art pieces, you can check out his work on Facebook and deviantART. For commissions, you can contact him through Facebook or e-mail [email protected].

Miranda Roberts brings her alters to the StarcityGames.com Open Series. She specializes in full alters and extended art “borderless” cards. Don’t miss out on these one of a kind cards! You can check out her work and contact her for commissions through Facebook or email [email protected].

@SCGLive will be there to cover the event. My compatriot Glenn Jones will be in the Sideboard, with Grand Prix Charlotte commentator and 2011 Magic Rookie of the Year Matthias Hunt alongside Level 2 Judge and notable Magic podcaster Joe Bono making his SCGLive debut! The hashtag for this event is #SCGSEA, and you can get up-to-the-round pairings by following @SCGOpenPairings.

A few hours earlier across the country in our nation’s capital is an event I’ve been looking forward to playing in for a long time, as the World Magic Cup Qualifier comes to Washington, DC!

StarCityGames.com is proud to present a full weekend of festivities on Saturday, April 20th and Sunday, April 21st in Washington, DC! Featuring the World Magic Cup Qualifier on Saturday, this is your chance to represent the United States at the World Magic Cup! But we’re just getting started. We also have an Elite Invitational Qualifier with $2,000 in cash prizes, a Two-Headed Giant Sealed Event, and a Standard Challenge…and that’s just on Saturday! Sunday we feature a Pro Tour Qualifier, an Invitational Qualifier, and a Two-Headed Giant Sealed Event, with side events all weekend long!

What location could possibly house all this action under one roof? Why, the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in downtown DC, of course!

Right smack-dab in the middle of DC on a superblock next to Mount Vernon Square, a short walk from Chinatown and a stone’s throw from the subway (Mount Vernon Square Station, on the Yellow and Green Lines), StarCityGames.com has been here before…and I imagine we’ll be here again! And being in the heart of the city, food options are so numerous you pretty much trip over them. I suggest First Cup Cafe, just a block or two up 9th Street (on the corner of M Street) from the Convention Center. They have great breakfast and lunch, and I always stop for there when I’m at the Walt.

DC Food

We also have a Magic artist visiting us for this event, Mr. Noah Bradley!

Noah Bradley is an environment concept artist and illustrator. Before working on Magic, he worked on other titles like Dungeons & Dragons, Legend of the 5 Rings, and some of the Fantasy Flight Games titles. His entry into Magic: The Gathering started with M13 and has continued in all of the major sets since. His work is featured on Izzet Guildgate, Mizzium Mortars, Spelltwine, and Transguild Promenade. You can find him on the web here.

While we don’t have coverage for this event, the hashtag for news and notes is #WMCQDC, so stay glued to Twitter for updates from folks playing in the tournament (like me!) throughout the day.

It’s double the Magic tournament action this weekend as StarCityGames.com goes bicoastal! We hope to see you there!

Good luck, have fun, and make the Magic happen!

Reuben Bresler


Event Coverage Coordinator and Twitter Admiral for StarCityGames.com

Listen to the @InContention podcast! It’s the official podcast of the StarCityGames.com Open Series with @kstube, @affinityforblue, and myself. Our most recent episode, FFfreak Tactics, guest starring Brad Nelson, can be found here.