My return to the hallowed halls of Dear Azami today will be a two-part article. For those of you who are interested, I thought I’d let you all know where I’ve been over the past two months; it has been a bit of a roller coaster for me after all. I know that some of you are here only for the latest Commander tech, and that’s okay too. If that’s you, I recommend skipping down to the reader submission below. If you’re interested in the writer as well as the words, read on. We’ll catch up with the rest of you down below.
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I’ve been a musician for over half my life. I can remember how important music was to me through grade school; hanging out at my best friend’s house was a marathon of hair metal bands and hip hop. My earliest prized possession was a Walkman. Before all of that, my earliest memories are of the endless hours I spent in front of my parents’ record player, spinning worn vinyl from bands like The Clash; Devo; The Beatles; and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young from the moment I woke up until my mother couldn’t take it anymore and forced me to go outside and play in the yard.
Music is my go to. It always has been. Nothing has ever provided me with the escape that my iPod does when I need it. Twenty years of playing the drums undoubtedly is responsible for a good portion of my hearing loss, but to this day if you put me in a car alone, I’ll turn whatever music I can find up to ear bleed levels and sing, scream, wail, and cry until I can’t think or speak anymore.
This probably doesn’t make a ton of sense to most of you reading today, so I suppose I should offer some explanation as to why I’m back and why I’m not talking about fixing a Commander deck yet. Don’t worry, it all ties together.
Regular readers know I’m not shy about sharing my life on the pages of Dear Azami. I don’t intend to stop doing that, primarily because I like a good story and also because I like telling a good story. Today it’s a little of both. I won’t dive into a ton of details because some of you have already know the story and others are here for Commander content; still, a bit of an explanation is in order, and I’ve finally gotten to a place where I feel like I can share it a bit and get back on the horse.
(I’ve missed you guys . . . what can I say?)
The day that this article is published will be two months exactly from the day my daughter was born. That in and of itself is a miracle and a wonderful thing, but the story doesn’t end there. I could write a book about the past 60-odd days, but I’ll try to keep it simple and (mostly) free of drama for now.
Josie was born two months premature. My wife was having a very normal second pregnancy one day; the next we were in an acute care facility, and my brand-new baby girl was fighting for her life. The details of why aren’t incredibly important, but she was nearly as sick as they come. As I write this, she’s still in the intensive care unit; she hasn’t moved more than fifty feet from the very place she was born in all this time.
Now, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. The mixed news is that doctors are still trying to figure out what happened; the good thing about it is that as a result the door is wide open to a potential full recovery. Things are still up in the air, but she has beaten the odds so far and made strong and steady improvements day by day. I’m not ashamed to say that she’s proven to be stronger in two months than I’ve been able to be in 36 years. I couldn’t be more proud, and (knock on wood) things look good.
So . . . the music thing. As you can imagine, I took a screaming halt from all things Magic related when this went down. I can’t thank my amazing co-writer Sean enough for quickly and effortlessly picking up the pieces I dropped in his lap and also David McDarby for stepping in and picking up the reins over the past few weeks. (And sincere thanks to Cedric Phillips as well for offering many kind thoughts and words, checking in regularly, and making sure that I had the time I needed to do what I needed to.) I took a step back from piloting as well, and I couldn’t be more thankful for Dave, Sean, Mr. P, and Imshan for jumping right in there to make sure things were covered. (I think things have only improved while I was gone, but I won’t look too deeply into the meaning there.)
There were many long hours in the hospital, meeting with doctors, and sleeping in the uncomfortable lounge chairs. Things went up and down, as you might imagine. I was tired, wired, scared, exhausted, and a million other adjectives all at once every hour of every day. You always hear the old cliche “you just can’t understand until it happens to you.” I can tell you first hand that this is a true statement.
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I discovered about a month in that I couldn’t write. I tried like crazy; I would sit down in my office, close the door, fire up a Word document, and . . . just stare at it. No matter what I did, nothing came out at all. I literally fell asleep one night on my keyboard after looking at a blank screen for over an hour.
It left me wondering what I was going to do once things got back to normal. Would I hand the blog over to the guys and move on? Would my email to Cedric and Sean be a polite resignation instead of an inquiry on when I could get back in the rotation? I honestly had no idea.
The answer as ever came from music.
I was driving to work one morning, my mind a million miles away, when I started to focus on the song that shuffled up in the iPod. I’d had my earbuds with me at all times since everything went down, but until that moment it had all been background noise. I was hearing the music but not really processing it like I usually do. On that day, though, “New Eyes Open” by The Draft popped up, and for some reason I heard the lyrics:
“He’s a wreck, but let him settle in . . . and all the rest of the pieces will fall in.”
No clue why that line stuck in my head, but it did. Subconsciously, I think I was looking to find something that justified everything that I was going through in my mind, something that would make it all okay somehow, from what happened to what I was thinking and feeling to trying to move forward. That line did it. I replayed the song a few times before I got to work, and the chorus stuck in my head throughout the day:
“That’s what I like about it . . . it’s not so complicated.”
Somewhere in there it all clicked. I stopped worrying about things I couldn’t control, and I stopped trying to force thoughts and feelings in a misguided attempt to feel normal again. Life happens, and if you go with the flow, you eventually make it through the rapids into the calm waters at the end.
When I next sat down in front of my laptop, a few thousand words about my daughter spilled out onto the page. I emailed Sean and Cedric the next day.
When could I start?
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Dear Azami, I got into Commander right before it became a craze. Bennie Smith’s “EDH Primer” series was still fresh, and I used his G/R “EDH Starter Kit” as the foundation for my first deck. Flash forward three or so years and I still exclusively play Stonebrow, Krosan Hero as my general. I love to catch several games each week at the local store between rounds or events, and as time has passed, I’ve found this deck isn’t really keeping up with the competition. My experience has been that as Commander’s become more mainstream it’s gotten more and more difficult (perhaps untenable?) for me to administer an old-fashioned creature beating. My deck’s become less and less focused as well. I’ve tried to get the fatties flowing with several card manipulating spells (Green Sun’s Zenith, Scroll Rack, Survival of the Fittest), but it feels weird to be shuffling and selecting so often when I’m rarely even looking for a specific thing like some sort of combo piece. Right now the deck is a toolbox full of hammers. Maybe I need help adding smarter combo-riffic goodies to search up, or maybe I need to dumb things down a bit and stick purely to a “big fat tramplers” theme. I’m open to either solution. But is there any chance I can have the best of both worlds? This particular Stonebrow player enjoys being both cerebral and silly, though ultimately I’d just like to win on occasion. Here’s what I’ve been running lately: Commander Toolbox Deadwood Treefolk Hammers Akroma, Angel of Fury Spare Handles Mold Shambler Utility Belt Aftershock Planeswalkers Garruk, Primal Hunter Lands 8 Forest Thanks for your help! Best, Matt |
Thanks for writing in, Matt. You’re coming to the table with a strategy that has a long and storied history in Magic: G/R Beatdown. It’s a natural draw for Commander players, and Bennie’s primer does a wonderful job of painting the picture. (And if you think the old primer is good, check out his new eBook The Complete Commander. I’ve read the book, and it is an incredible undertaking with a really comprehensive view of all things Commander related. He doesn’t need my hype by the looks of how popular it is, but he deserves the praise—this thing is really impressive even coming from a twenty-year veteran of the game and a dedicated Commander player.)
G/R Beatdown is a classic color combination and has a long competitive history. Considering that the strategy of the deck on a high level is basically to jam giant creatures, it seems like a perfect fit for the big and splashy spells that define Commander.
The truth is a little different though, and I think you’re figuring that out. There are many strategies available to any given Magic player, and one thing that keeps happening as more sets are released is that just about every single one is not only more likely to be available in spades but actually hit critical mass. In particular, tokens are a thing in Commander, and at this point it’s not difficult to improve on a token horde to the point that they rival your giant beaters in size. Except, you know, there are way more of them.
This is exactly the problem with G/R Beatdown; it has kind of been eclipsed by other aggro strategies because the core functionality simply calls for more big creatures. It’s a classic case of trying to keep up with the Joneses but the Joneses are getting better toys as things progress.
In any case, it doesn’t mean this type of deck is a lost cause; after all, there are some pretty impressive creatures on the higher end of the size and cost curve coming out all the time now too. What I’d like to do this time around is first take a baseline look at the strategy and color combination and then answer a few important Commander-related questions before seeing what we can do to turn things up a notch.
Let’s get started!
The Strategy: G/R Beatdown
This is pretty simple. You want to ramp into enough mana to cast giant creatures and then turn them sideways pretty much every turn. You are the aggressive deck, so the overall number of removal options you run should be minimal to make room for more beaters. (After all, the best way to deal with a problem on the battlefield is to eliminate the person who owns it.) Your goal is to represent giant threats that will keep your opponents scrambling to defend against you and to simply outsize and outclass anything else out there. Extra slots in the deck should be dedicated to generating card advantage, from straight draw and tutors to effects that add extra threats to the board such as Wild Pair. Equipment and enchantments that improve your creatures are usually welcome, although space is limited so you have to choose wisely.
There are a few weaknesses in the strategy. Your threats are typically very expensive, which means your deck requires time and mana ramp to get going. Fall short in either category and you can plan on sitting idle and falling behind the curve of the game. Swarm strategies such as tokens present a problem as they are typically cheaper and easily upgraded in the long run, and your deck usually runs fewer answers than comparable control and tempo decks in the format. Simply put, you want people to answer you, and you’ll occasionally find yourself in the position where you need to do the answering. Not good.
Finally, there are very few good ways to battle with dedicated combo decks, and again there’s not a ton of room to fit answers to those problems to begin with if you stay true to your game plan. All of these things add together to make G/R Beatdown decks tricky to build to a competitive level in Commander.
The Colors: Green & Red
The good news is that you corner the market on mana ramp, so supporting those high casting costs is rarely a problem. Red and green are also the kings of giant creatures, so there’s never a shortage of solid options to include—more often than not your creature selection is better pound for pound than anything else out there. Red handles lands and artifacts well, and green adds to the artifact hate on top of a good suite of enchantment removal, so you’re well covered in the face of noncreature problems.
On the downside, red and green lack good non-damage-based removal options that are extremely prevalent in white and black. As a result, creatures with protection from your colors are often a serious problem; if you end up facing down regeneration or creatures with color protection, you’re going to have a tough time of it. Fortunately, that critical mass thing I was talking about means that you’ll always have an answer or two (Beast Within, I’m looking at you.)
In addition, card draw is very limited (plan on a lot of “when this creature deals combat damage” or “sacrifice a creature” qualifiers stapled to your draw options), and tutors are mostly limited to ones that find creatures. Without a method for card advantage in place, you can get easily stuck in topdeck mode, and that’s not where this deck wants to be.
The General: Stonebrow, Krosan Hero
Here’s the newest million-dollar question: Stonebrow or Xenagos, God of Revels?
This is a really tough call because in a vacuum I believe Xenagos to be the best aggressive G/R commander option available. However, looking closer Stonebrow compares favorably.
- Casting cost is a push.
- Power and toughness are basically a push as well; Stonebrow is a 6/6 when attacking, while Xenagos maintains a slightly smaller toughness year round.
- Keywords are again a push. Xenagos will protect himself much better than Stonebrow due to indestructibility, but trample is one of the best forms of evasion in the format.
From there, things get tricky. Xenagos has the devotion clause, which is a blessing and a curse; he dodges creature removal as an enchantment, but he’s not getting into the red zone either. This leaves us with the inherent creature bonuses both creatures provide. In terms of raw power, the nod should go to Xenagos since the goodie bag he brings has both haste and a variable size bonus that will likely always be bigger than the +2/+2 Stonebrow brings. Stonebrow gets to invite any number of trampling friends to the party, however, so it is entirely possible to get way more bang for the buck in his camp in the right circumstances.
The lesson here is that the build is going to make all the difference. Matt, I think you’re completely correct in that the tutor plan doesn’t seem too inspiring if you’re basically just in the search for big dudes rather than specific components. Where I think you’re falling a bit short is there appears to be a lack of dedicated tramplers in your list, meaning you’ll often need to rely on finding an effect that adds it. This is a build that might benefit from Xenagos at the helm, but you’re here to see what can be done with Stonebrow so that’s where I want to focus the changes. I want to make this list much more natively active and aggressive with Stonebrow primarily; I also can see some opportunities in the mana development area that can be addressed as well.
Related Aside: Where You Can Go Wrong
In my quest to make use of a copy of Livonya Silone, I pieced together a G/R deck that focused on the Warrior creature type. I followed the formula above by adding a decent mix of combat effects such as Severe Beating and a good blend of Equipment that fit the bill like Tenza, Godo’s Maul and Obsidian Battle-Axe. I added in some type specific cards like Bramblewood Paragon and Brighthearth Banneret and then splashed in every solid Warrior I could find, augmenting with some standard support options like Acidic Slime and Eternal Witness. Removal came from a few bombs like Chain Reaction, Disaster Radius, and Beast Within.
It came together as a decent middle of the road aggro deck; it’s probably not a tier 1 contender, but it hung in a few strong games fairly well.
Then Born of the Gods was released, and my “shiny and new!” blinders popped up. I snagged a foil copy of Xenagos, yanked Livonya (next time, baby, I promise!), dropped him in the commander seat, and promptly threw a whole bunch of inherent synergy right out the window by losing a Warrior that was always on call. Fortunately, I realized the error of my ways and corrected my mistake as quickly as possible.
(Of course, I did this by removing the Warrior theme completely and rebuilding the deck around my shiny new party god. My hypocrisy knows no bounds, folks.)
The Identified Changes
On the drawing board: more tramplers, more aggression, a few extra lands (36 makes me nervous in a big mana deck), and a better suite of mana fixers.
I like the categories you’ve got laid out, Matt. Let’s go with them.
The Toolbox
We discussed the different approaches you can take, and again I’m in favor of removing tutors and improving the punch of the deck overall by adding draw and making all your threats viable ones. In this section, I’m pulling Fauna Shaman, Fierce Empath, and Flamekin Harbinger for only being little guys that find bigger ones; Hibernation’s End is too expensive to really make a difference by the time it comes down, and Survival of the Fittest runs you the risk of making the deck a bit too color by numbers.
The additions:
Sylvan Library is one of the best things you can do with two mana in a green deck. A bit staple-ish, sure, but you’re pulling Survival of the Fittest and adding a card that will instead keep you digging through the deck at top speed and feeding you card advantage where you need it.
Garruk’s Packleader takes advantage of your existing game plan with a reasonable body and a triggered draw that rewards what you should be doing to begin with: playing giant creatures.
Miren, the Moaning Well will pick you up another land to add to the total count and give you a decent shot of life gain and protection from control effects.
In the Web of War trades the high-end cost of Hibernation’s End with haste and another creature pump effect—you’ll really come to enjoy tossing this out the turn before Stonebrow hits play.
Finally, we’ll slot a new Born of the Gods toy: Hunter’s Prowess. Being sorcery speed opens the door to an instant speed two-for-one, but this is an effect that this deck screams for. And while the damage will be solid, the card draw will be game changing.
The Hammers
I’m a fan of a lot of what is already here; Balefire Dragon never underperforms, and this deck loves Nylea, God of the Hunt. You’ve got great role players like Vigor and Urabrask the Hidden, and I love the techy include in Panglacial Wurm.
To skim off some space here, I’m pulling Ant Queen and Dragonlair Spider (since this isn’t a tokens deck) and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger (since he’s not much fun and you don’t want to be that guy). I like the removal, but Flameblast Dragon and Steel Hellkite don’t trample; Akroma, Angel of Fury does, but she’s not nearly as exciting in the keyword realm as her mono-white sister. And if firebreathing isn’t exciting enough on her to keep, Avatar of Fury is going to go too. (That last one is a dangling carrot if I ever saw one; who cares about a discount if you can’t qualify for it until you can basically pay retail anyway?)
Going back in:
Let’s start with the big and splashy tramplers. Pelakka Wurm, Giant Adephage, Hellkite Tyrant, and Deus of Calamity all are worth the investment. Pelakka Wurm injects some life gain and extra card draw, while Deus of Calamity adds an additional element of land control. Hellkite Tyrant and Giant Adephage can take over games on their own; the former is a must answer before it multiplies out of control, and the latter means you get all the Sol Rings and Darksteel Ingots. (Don’t forget that Hellkite isn’t one of the usual “give everything back when it dies” type deals. I don’t know why more people don’t latch on to this one.)
Next up is Garruk, Caller of Beasts; there’s not a single mode that you won’t appreciate, from the +1 card advantage to the -3 free creature day to the ultimate unrestricted Wild Pair emblem.
Since you’re not running any way to make him a combo engine, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker is a fantastic addition to the deck. You may not need to tutor a specific threat in this list, but you’ll be happy to double up on any of them.
Finally, we come to Xenagos, God of Revels. With all that talk above, did you really think I was passing him up? There’s nothing but upside in this deck, from the potential for an indestructible six-power beater to the ability to make any threat a potential game ender each turn. And if I pitted them against each other too strongly above, take it with a grain of salt—Stonebrow loves this guy. Stack your triggers and commander damage kills take two attack steps.
The Spare Handles
Mold Shambler is a little too expensive for the effect and the size of the body it comes with. Silklash is costed well, but timing is everything; it will draw a ton of hate from opponents that are holding important fliers if it comes down too early. Spitebellows . . . I’ve got nothing here. If it could target opponents too, maybe.
And none of the three trample.
The additions:
Indrik Stomphowler does 99% of what Mold Shambler does but with a bigger body and a lesser cost. I like that value.
Squall Line takes the best part of Silklash Spider, tosses out a large but mostly irrelevant body, and adds in the element of surprise while also hitting players, making it a potential win condition out of nowhere.
Rage Reflection is one of the generalized passive creature enablers I was referring to in the introduction; it makes every creature in this deck into a huge threat, and it plays wonderfully with the trample-heavy nature of the creatures. If I haven’t managed to beat the horse completely to death yet, Rage Reflection plus Xenagos, God of Revels plus Stonebrow, Krosan Hero plus proper trigger stacking is a one-shot commander damage kill.
The Utility Belt
This is where the magic happens.
Aftershock is a card that was once a strong option and is totally outclassed these days. It gets cut along with Nevinyrral’s Disk (also a bit outmoded and this deck has a little too much removal to begin with).
I typically can’t sing the praises of Wild Ricochet enough, but this deck isn’t a “draw go”-style control deck; it wants to tap out every turn to keep critical pressure on its opponents. Out it comes.
Wheel of Fortune, oh, how you used to be the best at what you do. Unfortunately, the 99-card format is a bit slower, and you run the risk of feeding your opponents with answers to your threats with Wheel. That’s no good, and we can do just as well elsewhere.
Vengeful Rebirth suffers from the same rough drawback that the creatures that are also tutors above do. It’s a solid effect, and the damage is a nice addition. But the cost is high for the effect you really want (the Regrowth), and it typically leaves you with a card in hand but having to wait a turn to use it as a result.
Finally, Armillary Sphere, Coalition Relic, and Gruul Signet come out more because there are better options, ones that put lands into play instead of relying on artifacts, or both.
Going back in:
Cultivate, Kodama’s Reach, and Peregrination are as good a place to start as any. Green offers ramp, and ramp is usually superior to artifact sources due to durability reasons alone. (Just ask the Esper and Grixis players out there.) The first two need no introduction, while the third, Peregrination, is a new Born of the Gods take on the originals with scry added as a nice afterthought.
Taking the place of Aftershock is Beast Within. Cheaper, faster, hits more targets, and doesn’t immediately Lightning Bolt you. End of list.
Momentous Fall and Hunter’s Insight also join the party. Much in the venin of the earlier addition of Hunter’s Prowess, it’s the card draw that really makes the difference here. The instant speed trickery is a nice bonus in both cases (and the life gain of Momentous Fall is a bonus, as is the ability to control another sacrifice effect), but the cards these options will allow you to draw will be the lifeblood of the deck.
I like Bow of Nylea for a great number of reasons in this deck. The Swiss Army utility is fantastic; none of the options are terrible things to have in your pocket. The real winner is the static addition of deathtouch. The way it plays with trample is outstanding and can’t be overlooked as a truly lethal combination; it’s both a solid way to deal with opposing creatures and pseudo-evasion aimed at forcing through a bunch of damage that would have been soaked up by opposing toughness. This card really does it all.
The final open slot goes to a single unassuming Mountain. We’re getting closer to a safe land count here.
The Lands
We round out the deck with some fairly pedestrian changes that will still make things run smoother all around. Without the Survival of the Fittest effects, Dryad Arbor can come out; Maze of Ith is an easy cut as well since you’re trying to be the beatdown and you’re also trying to be able to cast spells by tapping lands for mana.
Misty Rainforest and Scalding Tarn both break my personal “off-color fetch land” rule (and neither one have dual lands to find to begin with) and end up on the cutting room floor as well.
The additions:
No real surprises. This deck was missing Stomping Ground somehow, so that’s an easy addition. (I’ll pass on the Taiga and the Wooded Foothills for the time being; with the ramp added and the relatively easy color requirements of a two-color deck, you don’t need to go to this expense to have things work out for you.)
Temple of Abandon and Gruul Guildgate also make the cut for obvious reasons that are easy on the wallet (if you do pick up that Taiga and Wooded Foothills, here are your replacement slots), and the last slot adds a basic Forest to round out the deck.
The Final List
Creatures (29)
- 1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
- 1 Weatherseed Treefolk
- 1 Silvos, Rogue Elemental
- 1 Eternal Witness
- 1 Yavimaya Elder
- 1 Duplicant
- 1 Borborygmos
- 1 Indrik Stomphowler
- 1 Panglacial Wurm
- 1 Stonebrow, Krosan Hero
- 1 Deadwood Treefolk
- 1 Seedguide Ash
- 1 Vigor
- 1 Deus of Calamity
- 1 Spawnwrithe
- 1 Woodfall Primus
- 1 Rampaging Baloths
- 1 Terastodon
- 1 Pelakka Wurm
- 1 Garruk's Packleader
- 1 Urabrask the Hidden
- 1 Balefire Dragon
- 1 Vorapede
- 1 Worldspine Wurm
- 1 Hellkite Tyrant
- 1 Giant Adephage
- 1 Gruul Ragebeast
- 1 Nylea, God of the Hunt
- 1 Xenagos, God of Revels
Planeswalkers (3)
Lands (40)
- 1 Strip Mine
- 9 Forest
- 1 Treetop Village
- 1 Karplusan Forest
- 6 Mountain
- 1 Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep
- 1 Temple of the False God
- 1 Shivan Oasis
- 1 Tranquil Thicket
- 1 Forgotten Cave
- 1 Dust Bowl
- 1 Miren, the Moaning Well
- 1 Gruul Turf
- 1 Stomping Ground
- 1 Fungal Reaches
- 1 Kher Keep
- 1 Mosswort Bridge
- 1 Spinerock Knoll
- 1 Rootbound Crag
- 1 Copperline Gorge
- 1 Command Tower
- 1 Homeward Path
- 1 Kessig Wolf Run
- 1 Gruul Guildgate
- 1 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
- 1 Temple of Abandon
- 1 Opal Palace
Spells (30)
- 1 Sensei's Divining Top
- 1 In the Web of War
- 1 Scroll Rack
- 1 Sylvan Library
- 1 Sol Ring
- 1 Kodama's Reach
- 1 Oblivion Stone
- 1 Lightning Greaves
- 1 Greater Good
- 1 Hull Breach
- 1 Ancient Grudge
- 1 Krosan Grip
- 1 Squall Line
- 1 Harmonize
- 1 Rage Reflection
- 1 Relic of Progenitus
- 1 Disaster Radius
- 1 Momentous Fall
- 1 Cultivate
- 1 Overwhelming Stampede
- 1 Green Sun's Zenith
- 1 Beast Within
- 1 Hunter's Insight
- 1 Swiftfoot Boots
- 1 Blasphemous Act
- 1 Clan Defiance
- 1 Signal the Clans
- 1 Bow of Nylea
- 1 Hunter's Prowess
- 1 Peregrination

As always, you’ll receive a $20 store credit to for participating in Dear Azami today. Pull a spare Forest and Mountain out and then go shopping for the rest of the list. Prices are below:
Garruk’s Packleader | $0.25 |
Gruul Guildgate | $0.25 |
Hunter’s Insight | $0.25 |
Pelakka Wurm | $0.49 |
Squall Line | $0.49 |
Indrik Stomphowler | $0.75 |
Kodama’s Reach | $0.75 |
Hunter’s Prowess | $0.99 |
Momentous Fall | $0.99 |
Peregrination | $0.99 |
Cultivate | $1.49 |
Giant Adephage | $1.49 |
Hellkite Tyrant | $1.49 |
Beast Within | $1.99 |
Deus of Calamity | $1.99 |
In the Web of War | $1.99 |
Rage Reflection | $1.99 |
Bow of Nylea | $2.99 |
Temple of Abandon | $3.99 |
Miren, the Moaning Well | $9.99 |
Stomping Ground | $11.99 |
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker | $19.99 |
Sylvan Library | $19.99 |
Garruk, Caller of Beasts | $24.99 |
Xenagos, God of Revels | $24.99 |
This is roughly a $140 investment, of which more than half is soaked up by the bottom four cards on the list. All pack a serious punch and should be strongly considered, but in a deck archetype like this, you could get away without any of the bunch without a serious detriment to your game plan (although I’d lean toward Sylvan Library as being the biggest asset if you want to start somewhere). It’s not like missing Doubling Season or Craterhoof Behemoth in a tokens deck; there are other role players that can fill the gaps.
If your aim is to hang with the more competitive decks, your selections will change up a bit. In this case, you will need to err on the side of the tutors to fine tune the way your deck curves into options. I don’t think they’re strictly necessary in the version of the deck we have built now if you focus on a reasonable spread of threats that can roughly stand in for each other, but if things are a bit more serious, the hammers need to become scalpels. Your Hellkite Tyrants become Zealous Conscripts, and cards like Fauna Shaman and Survival of the Fittest become a necessity again. Food for thought.
. . . . .
It’s been a heck of a ride for the last few months, but it’s nice to be back. I hope you enjoyed the look under the hood of one of the most venerated of Magic’s archetypes today; it was a great way for me to step back in and get back up to speed, and I enjoyed deconstructing the list and the strategy.
After all, it’s like a comfortable pair of old shoes: really easy to slide on and start stomping around with.
And that’s what I like about it. It’s not so complicated.
Want to submit a deck for consideration to Dear Azami? We’re always accepting deck submissions to consider for use in a future article, like Alex’s Merieke Ri Berit deck or Renton’s Devevi, Empyrial Tactician deck. Only one deck submission will be chosen per article, but being selected for the next edition of Dear Azami includes not just deck advice but also a $20 coupon to!
Email us a deck submission using this link here!
Like what you’ve seen? Feel free to explore more of Dear Azami here! Be sure to follow Sean on Facebook; sometimes there are extra surprises and bonus content to be found over on his Facebook Fan Page, as well as previews of the next week’s column at the end of the week! Follow Cassidy on his Facebook page here or check out his Commander blog!