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      Down With Islands!

      is so broken. is so broken. is so broken. is so broken. Notice the trend? All the above cards are "broken." "But what’s so broken about an ?" you say. Well, let me tell you. There are so many uses for an , it boggles the mind. Not only does it have a 0 casting…

      Rogue-itis Strikes Again!

      I spent much of this past weekend playtesting my Extended white weenie deck. I’ve learned a few things, not the least of which is that affects only your opponents and that is four casting cost, not five. I’ve also received quite a few e-mails on the topic of white weenie, so I’m feeling smarter each…

      William Shatner Buys Porno

      It’s a real shame that you, my rabid readership, can’t share in what I’m experiencing right now: . Total, blessed silence. Once again I’m writing into the total vacuum of the internet, with no feedback whatsoever. I’m free to believe whatever I please about you folks. It’s all pretty flattering stuff. You’re all really intelligent,…

      Literary Magic: Should It Be? (Parts One And Two)

      "O Miserable of happy! Is this the end Of this glorious new world.?" Extremely literate people recognize this as a passage from John Milton’s masterpiece, Paradise Lost, one of the greatest, not to mention longest, poems in the English language. Magic players will note that this quotation appears on the Portal I . The addition…

      Extended: The Deck I’m Playing (Part II)

      After I finally decided to play White Weenie in the Extended qualifiers (see last week’s article), I started playing around with a variety of decklists. Thankfully, I had almost every card for every deck I could think of. The one exception was possibly , which everyone told me was amazing. Truth be told, I didn’t…

      The Blossoming Of Green Card Advantage

      Ahhhh. Now that’s the sound of satisfaction. It’s a good time to be playing green. Back in August, I wrote a column for Star City entitled”Why Green Lacks the Power Cards.” I basically stated my opinion that green was such a weak color because R&D consistently shafted green out of any cards that might generate…

      The Readers Write

      Guten Tag from the Germany of my soul. I’m freshly moved into my new digs, and what with it being 11:30 pm, and this column horribly overdue, it’s time to kick it into overdrive and hope I don’t drown in mediocrity. Excuse any tense shifts you find along the way, it’s just me rehashing material…

      You CAN Play Type I #108: The State Of The Metagame Address – The Charts

      Table 1: Which cards would this Paragon restrict?   Tan Wilkinson Reynolds Stoots Di Battista Allen Meyer Devos Menendian Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No Watch No No No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes…

      Threat Theory, Answer Theory

      Editor’s Note: A long time ago, the first Magic website was The Dojo – a site that is still legendary for publishing some of the most fundamental principles of Magic. Almost all strategical theory can be traced back to the Dojo’s loyal writers, and any serious Magic player owes these old vets a debt of…

      Building Broken Decks Volume I: The Wakefield Error and “The Decks to Ignore”

      Editor’s Note: A long time ago, the first Magic website was The Dojo – a site that is still legendary for publishing some of the most fundamental principles of Magic. Almost all strategical theory can be traced back to the Dojo’s loyal writers, and any serious Magic player owes these old vets a debt of…

      Building Broken Decks volume II: Templating, etc.

      Editor’s Note: A long time ago, the first Magic website was The Dojo – a site that is still legendary for publishing some of the most fundamental principles of Magic. Almost all strategical theory can be traced back to the Dojo’s loyal writers, and any serious Magic player owes these old vets a debt of…

      Building Broken Decks Volume III: The Mail Bag and More On Deck Selection

      Editor’s Note: A long time ago, the first Magic website was The Dojo – a site that is still legendary for publishing some of the most fundamental principles of Magic. Almost all strategical theory can be traced back to the Dojo’s loyal writers, and any serious Magic player owes these old vets a debt of…

      Building Broken Decks Volume IV: Lessons from Texas

      Editor’s Note: A long time ago, the first Magic website was The Dojo – a site that is still legendary for publishing some of the most fundamental principles of Magic. Almost all strategical theory can be traced back to the Dojo’s loyal writers, and any serious Magic player owes these old vets a debt of…

      The Wakefield School

      Editor’s Note: A long time ago, the first Magic website was The Dojo – a site that is still legendary for publishing some of the most fundamental principles of Magic. Almost all strategical theory can be traced back to the Dojo’s loyal writers, and any serious Magic player owes these old vets a debt of…

      Building Broken Decks Volume V: More Mail, “More than Just Me”

      Editor’s Note: A long time ago, the first Magic website was The Dojo – a site that is still legendary for publishing some of the most fundamental principles of Magic. Almost all strategical theory can be traced back to the Dojo’s loyal writers, and any serious Magic player owes these old vets a debt of…