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Speculations on the New Standard

This week michaelj puts on his fortune teller garb and peers into the future in an attempt to divine what the Standard format will look like come next Tuesday. In addition to showing you not one, but two new decks that may already have broken the upcoming Type Two season, he prognosticates on all the scenarios from the March 1st Banning announcement, and tells you just what each of them will mean to your upcoming Friday Nights, Regionals, and Nationals tournaments.

This One Goes to Nine…

As the Extended Season continues, new decks continue to poor out of the woodwork like unstoppable cockroaches, determined to make the life of metagaming PTQ players utterly impossible. Thankfully Brian David-Marshall is here to shine a light on things and this week he has a doozy of a new crop, including a Red Deck that runs Isochron Scepter, and infinite mana combo with Snap and Eternal Witness, and an Academy Rector deck good enough to win a slot on the Pro Tour. If you are playing Extended this season or even if you just love seeing cool new decks, you must read this article.

Insider Trading #2

www.digi-cardz.com is one of the world’s largest Magic Online dealers. Earlier this week, I sat down with owners Sonny and Lisa Jones to discuss some of the more common scams used by MTGO rip-off artists and how to avoid them. Protecting yourself is easier than you think, if you know what to watch out for…

Digi-Cardz.com – Every MTGO card in stock!

From Right Field: Goodbye and Good Riddance

Since I won’t know until next week what the bannings are going to look like, I’m going to go a different way this week. I’m going to address some cards from Betrayers of Kamigawa that we fun-loving players might be interested in. Please, don’t think of this as a set review. Think of it more as, um, a review of some cards in the set for uh… Constructed or something.

Playing Devil’s Advocate: What’s In, What’s Out March 1st

Dave looks ahead at what he thinks might get banned in Standard next week, laying odds on what combinations of cards might get the boot and what that will mean for those of us looking forward to playing a fresh, Ravager-free Type Two format.

Blog Fanatic: Getting in Shape

Today Ben takes on the weightest issue of them all: the health of Magic players everywhere. If you are fed up with being overweight, having too little energy, getting tired walking up stairs, having low self-esteem, or are just looking to improve the general quality of your life, The Bleiweiss is here for you.

Betrayers of Kamigawa Limited Review – Red

Usually when a new set comes out it’s pretty clear which color came out on top with all of the new goodies. This time it didn’t seem so clear at first, but after playing a bit, I think I have the answer to the question: Which color got the biggest boost from Betrayers?
My vote goes to Red, and this week I’ll tell you why.

Blog Fanatic: Silky Smooth

In one of the most amusing Blog Fanatic installments yet, Ben tackles some of the weightier issues in our game, like how to hate your arch-rival out of the metagame, and the proper way to teach your teammates how to catch cheaters in the act!

Red Deck Wins 2005

With the speed that PTQ players are tweaking their combo, beatdown, and control decks these days, it may look like Red Deck Wins has been left in the dust – a relic of the early days of the season when players had yet to properly prepare for the Red menace. Thankfully, notes Dan, Red deck designers are not above a few innovations themselves and today Dan provides a look at a few tweaks you can add to your Red Deck to stay ahead of the combo curve.

The Top 10 Over and Underrated Cards in Champions of Kamigawa

Rich Hoaen is the secret Limited Assassin, stacking up result after result with hardly a word written or said about his outstanding skills. By starting a regular column here at StarCityGames.com, this loveable Canadian is out to change all that, delivering his insightful Limited commentary gleaned from hundreds of drafts straight to our readers. Today Rich takes a peak at the Top 10 Over and Underrated cards in Champions – valuations that will stay true even with Betrayers of Kamigawa now in the mix.

You CAN Play Type I #147 – Betraying Kamigawa, Part III: Instants, Sorceries and Land

As Oscar wraps up his Vintage Betrayers set review today, he begins to despair at the quality of cards in the new set. Is there nothing playable in Vintage coming out of this middle set, ow will the Instants, Sorceries, and Lands provide a hidden gem that we’ll be talking about in the years to come?

Filling The Romeo Void: Budget Decks For Multiplayer!

I’ve been playing a lot of multiplayer Magic lately…with college students. You know what that means if you’re a working stiff like me? You get to see supposedly-grown “men” cry like four-year-olds when you pull out your $300, forty-eight rare Sneak Attack deck.

“That’s no fair!” they cry dejectedly. “You can afford all those good cards, while all of us combined only own a tenth what you have!” So I then showed them that I can win without rare-filled decks… And so can you!

The Beautiful Struggle: Super Vision

With a new Standard environment on the horizon and Extended season in full bloom, Mark takes a step back from the tournament scene to review the various forms of strategic superiority and where they come from.

Sealed Revealed II: Card Pool Two

Our favorite Scouser continues his journey of Limited improvement today with a considerably more difficult card pool than he opened on Monday. Which colors does Craig end up in and which ones do you think he should have chosen? State your opinion in our forums.

Treasonous Frogs: Kappa in a Blender, Post-Betrayers

Dave takes a second look at his updated version of the speedy Standard deck known as “Frog in a Blender”, this time with added Betrayers cards. As if that wasn’t good enough, he also includes a Block Constructed version of the deck and tells the story of his losing ways at the Betrayers of Kamigawa Prerelease.