Wozniak Wins Nerd Rage Gaming Series Championship

Wozniak wins NRG Series Championship! View the Decklists!

Image Courtesy of Nerd Rage Gaming

The Nerd Rage Gaming (NRG) Series featured 16 players, with a prize pool of $20,000 and three invites to the 2020 Players Tour being hosted in Phoenix this February.

Grant Wozniak, who piloted Five-Color Niv-Mizzet in Pioneer, Grixis Death’s Shadow in Modern and Five-Color Control in Legacy, was conceded to by Sam Black (Simic Company in Pioneer, Urza Control in Modern, and Bant Loam in Legacy) in the finals, as Black is already qualified for the February 2020 Players Tour Regionals in Phoenix.

View the full Top 8 decklists for each format:


